I forgot the name

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This was the first thing I wrote in the class. Not the best, but I still like it.

It was a dark and cold night in February and Terry, a tall, mixed kid with an impossibly sized afro, was jogging down a moonlit path when he saw it. At first he presumed it was some lanky guy who was sick, sense he was hunched over and seemingly in a lot of pain. Before he could walk up and ask if he was ok, he saw something that made his heart skip a beat. It was hard to make out what the "person" really was sense they were blocking a bright ray of moonlight, but he could clearly see long, spindly tubes coming out of where its eyes should've been, its ears, and its forehead. The tubes when into its back and shoulders. Its head turned and Terry saw a large, sharp avian beak filled with rows of teeth as long as his forearm glisten in the light. As its jaw slowly creaked open, out came 3 tentacle like appendages led by large, glassy eyes. Its "eyes" whipped around in different directions, in search of prey.

A sick sense of curiosity started to eat away at Terry. He never in his life saw something as demented as that before and despite being scared out of his mind, he just had to see what it truly was. While his legs and mind fought an endless battle, the skin on the creature's forearms started to tear apart violently as its muscles swelled at a rapid rate. The once normal human fingers it had grew out of proportion into long, gangly scythes. It's back arched and spines shot out of its spine. Terry found that his curiosity died faster than it took for the monster to grow an eight foot spiked tail.  He had never felt so scared for his life before. Not even the time he was robbed at gunpoint in the gas station he worked at compared to the raw fear he was feeling now. Without thinking, he slowly started to back up, making sure to never turn his back on that monster. His escape plan was going supposedly well until his foot landed on a misplaced rock that left him flailing his arms around like a child learning to walk. He quickly regained his balance only to find that the large glassy eyes were locked right onto him. The world seemed to stop as it got down on all fours. It was going to kill him. Terry's heart pounded against his ribcage and the nape of his neck prickled. His blood froze as the creature prowled menacingly into a direct beam of moonlight, which revealed its pallid skin and black spines. He found the creature looked a little like the aliens from that one movie his girlfriend really liked. Somewhere between the alien suddenly charging at him faster than the speed of light and him turning around an running away as fast as he could, he secretly wished that this wasn't happening and he was probably dreaming.

As Terry sprinted into the woods off of the concrete path he started to regret his choice of a late night jog in the park. He was at least thankful that his girlfriend's brother's husband was a famous movie star that let him live in their penthouse that was near the park. Jumping over roots that grabbed at his ankles and swatting branches out of the way, Terry mad a mad dash for an opening in the forest and stumbled onto the crunchy, frozen grass. He fought the urge to look behind him and raced up the lawn onto the porch. When he reached the door he gripped the handle as tightly as his clammy hands would allow and jerked it, only to realize that it was locked. The adrenaline started to drain away and was replaced by the primitive fear he felt before. He rapped his fists at the door while frantically looking around for the monster. "Hello? Layla?!" His voice cracked, which happened when he was nervous. "Jacob? Daniel?? Anybody? Hello!" Just as his arm started to tingle with pain from the hard wood, the door clicked and swung open. It was his girlfriend Layla, a shorter Latino girl with long brown hair she almost always kept half up, and her brother, Daniel, a large and muscular 6' 5 man with his curly, dirty brown hair in a messy bun. It looked as if those two just woke up.

"Dude what's wrong?" Layla asked with a look of amused confusion, which told Terry that she didn't know if he was playing around or actually serious. He didn't waste any time barreling past the two into the house and slamming the door shut. "There's something out there. I swear there's something there it tried to kill me!" He sputtered, realizing how exhausted and out of breath he truly was. Daniel gripped his shoulder and gazed down at him with the look of concern he always had for people. "Terrance," Terry flinched when he heard him say his full name. Nobody usually says his full name. "are you ok?"
​"Are you sure you weren't chased by a dog or something?" Layla asked with her eyebrows raised.
"That wasn't a dog. That was a monster. It was big, it had claws, it had sharp teeth, it had spikes- HUGE spikes! We gotta board up the house!"
Both Daniel and Layla looked at each other. They weren't buying it.
​"I think...it was just a dog. Are you tired? You should probably go to bed." Daniel's calm and collected voice was starting to make Terry's blood boil.
​"Why aren't you listening to me?! I'm serious! There's something-"
Before he could continue, the sound of shattering glass reverberated throughout the houses, along with a loud pained scream.
"Jacob?" Daniel's head whipped around toward upstairs. "Jacob are you ok?"
A shaggy blond man came running down the stairs in just some boxer shorts and nearly tripped on the last step. "Th-there's somefin up there!" His thick British accent made it hard to understand him, especially when he was scared. "It broke fru the window! It-it tried to kill me!"
The window behind terry shattered, and when he turned around he was met face to face with the alien. The last thing he saw before the world went black and all sounds faded away was its sharp teeth closing in around his face.

Also it was supposed to be really long but I ran out of time lol

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