Summer nights

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It was summer in Los Angeles, you were dying for cold air. After what seemed like five minutes you got a text from you're best friend Katrina
K: Hey you up for a road trip
B: Hell yeah I am, to where?
K: Italy
B: Fuck yes I'm packing my shit
K: Ha okay Blake pick you up at five tomorrow sharp
You  were literally so excited a week or so away from this hell of a place is what you needed. You instantly start packing you're bags you wanted to be prepared for tomorrow, hours went by and you still weren't done with packing.
You were exhausted but you knew if you were to pack last minute Kat will literally kill you in you're sleep. You laughed at the thought of that knowing Kat she couldn't hurt a fly.
Two hours went by and you were finally done with packing, you dropped yourself on you're bed and fell heavily to sleep
*Beep beep beep*
You groaned loudly not wanting to wake up, you turned off you're alarm and fell right back to sleep.
*Ring ring ring*
Ugh who is it now, you said very annoyed
You picked up you're phone and answered
B: hello?
B: Fuck fuck fuck FUCK
You shot up straight from you're bed and went running to the bathroom
K: Blake
B: Yes Kat I'll be done in five
After five minutes you got all you're things and sprinted to the door, you saw Kat in a big van. K: Come on Blake, Kat said while opening the door. You ran to the van and got in quickly as possible, you were surrounded by so many people that you barely even recognize.
K: Blake this is Corey, Devyn, Sam, Elton, Aaron, Jake,Tara, Tori and last but not least Colby.
You looked over at Colby and smiled at him deeply, he looked at you for what seemed like hours. You could literally feel you're whole body boiling.
Once all of you got to the airport and checked out you're bags, you all went straight to the gate, you were all getting in the plane, you were sitting in B 3 you got to you're seat and no one was next to you, you were honestly glad. You got out you're head phones and everything you felt like you needed for the flight. You felt someone sit right next to you. You turned you're head and saw that it was Colby , you smiled at him again
C: Hi
B: Hey
The whole plane ride you and Colby were talking about each other and you honestly thought he was pretty cool to be around with.
After what seemed like hours of talking you took the courage of resting you're head on Colby's shoulder. You felt safe near him and that's when you knew you were falling hard for him

Summer nights// Colby Brock Where stories live. Discover now