THis nigga out here killing us wit crab claws and shiet

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Excitedly, a small group of friends hurried down on the soft, calming sands of the unexpectedly empty beach. It was a hot summers day during the month of August; with the sun releasing a gloriously radiant heat! Enthusiastically they layed out their towels. However, they decided – very quickly – it was much too hot to stay on the sand and rushed into the sea. The translucent waters glistened under the magnificent light of the sun. Crystal clear, the waters gently rippled as each of them cautiously stepped into the wide expanses of the water. The small group let themselves effortlessly float – cooling down. They all sat in the water, relaxed, almost in a state of comatose. As the relaxed, hours turned to minutes, before they new it, the tide was going out. Despite this, they still remained in the water.

Still as relaxed as ever, they great force of the sea began to carry them out, as effortlessly as Vasily Alekseyev (2 time Olympic super heavy weight gold medallist) lifting a feather. Suddenly, one of them awoke from their state and realised what was happening. Panicking, he desperately tried to alert the others – his effort were in vein as the tide was just too strong for them.

Hopelessly drifting, they all paddled furiously trying to stay afloat. All of a sudden, they came across the maw of a great whirlpool. They tried to swim away, but no avail, with the suction of 1000 vacuum cleaners they were captured and embraced into the swirling madness. Round and round the sped, all the while sinking lower and lower below the surface of the sea. Lower and lower they sank, until they reached the sea bed. However, something was odd. They could breath. It was if they were in some kind of chamber under the sea. They small group sat there for a second to collect their thoughts on what just happened. Unbeknownst to them, a large creature lurked in the murky, darker area of the chamber. It began to make a move, slowly. He circled them, with each revolution, inching ever so closer. One of them noticed the movement and let out a panicked whimper. Even shrouded by the darkness, the size was enough to cause panic in anybody.

Apon realising he'd been found out, he stepped out of his shadowy cover and stepped into the light. A gargantuan crab, with a gold encrusted shell and devilish grin stepped out. He slowly raised his claw. It was bigger than a fully grown man - with the velocity and power of a lightning bolt, smashed it down into ground causing a shockwave to knock the small group off of their feet.

The glistening metal on the back of shell illuminated this dark corner of the ocean to such and extent it was almost blinding to them. Feeling scared and weak, and unable to see, they huddled in a small group behind a large piece of coral; this was not sufficient as the crab crushed the coral under his feet. They were trapped. Nowhere to go. No hope of fighting back. He was essentially in front of them now; His giant eyes and threatening grin stared them down. It was the final stand. He raised his amazingly deadly claw once more. All the while still grinning his terrible grin. With one fell swoop, His claw came thundering down onto the fragile and hopeless group of friends.

The crap turned around and scuttled back into his shadowy den. What was left of the small group of friends had become part of the floor. The desolate sea bed returned back to normal, only this time, 4 had fallen victim to the monster of the sea!

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