Character Introductions

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Angel Rose:

Age: 18
Birthday: July 4th

Personality: Quiet, Friendly, Smart, An Introvert,Protective

Nationality: American, Italian, Mexican, (a bit) Korean

Appearance: 5'5
Short shoulder length hair.
Hair color: Black, Maroon, Light Brown.
Eye Color:Dark Brown with a golden tint, when the sun hit them, and a whitish silver when the moon hits them...
Style: Dark hoodies, Jeans, converse, no make-up, Anything comfortable but cool looking.
Alyssa Rose

Angels Bff

Birthday: September 1st

Age: 19
Personality: Opposite of Angel
Cheerful, party girl, loud, extrovert, defensive

Mexican, American, German

Appearance: 5'8
Slightly taller than angel, Wears skirts up to her knees, skinny jeans, T-shirts, dresses, anything presentable.

Jon Duo

Age: 20

December 15th

Angel's Step Brother

Personality: Calming, Overprotective, charming, humorous, kind.

Nationality: American, Italian, Russian, French.

Appearance: 6'3
Jet black hair
Eye Color: Dark blue with a silver tint when the moon hit them, and a yellow tint when the sun hits them.
Style: Hoodies, Long Sleeve Shirts,Jeans, Jordans, Nikes, Adidas, anything comfortable to wear.
(This is for my friend, so I'll add her bias in this)

Kim Namjoon

Age: 19

Birthday: September 12

Angels' (soon to be lover?)

Personality: Calm and Collected, Smart, Perfect Boyfriend Material

Appearance: 5'11
Hair Color: Purple Fades in to a lighter shade.
Has Dimples.

Eye Color: Black, maybe a very dark brown.
Style: Very comfortable yet fashionable Korean fashion.
The others (BTS member's) will be in the story but not for all for scenes, maybe for some conflicts, but not for everything.
Maybe I'll make other stories soon.
Maybe some 'X readers'

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2019 ⏰

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