Chapter 1

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I hope you all enjoy this new Au! -Star


"And what is your power?" Gray asked. His back was pressed against the cold prison cell as he stared at the young woman who shared his space. He had just been captured and thrown into the awaiting cell.

Her hair was a rich blue color, vibrant and colorful as a clear sky with eyes to match. A scar was placed under her eye as she looked away and sighed.

"It's called fates desire." She whispered. "I have the ability to see the connection between soulmates, romantic and platonic. I can see various acts whether it's a red string or gold hoop, perhaps even a flower band or a chain, I can see it all. It's not that special."

"No, no that sounds cool." Was his response. "I can control ice."

"I know." She said but the confused look on his face made her eyes widen. "I mean I overheard the guards say something like that, plus you tried to freeze your chains, so I only figured."

"Oh yeah, guess I did." She let out her breath she was holding.

"So, can you see anyone's? Or do you have to touch them or activate it?" Curiosity wandered through him and she knew he would only pry.

"I can, yeah, they are always there."

"Can you see mine? I don't know if you can see the other side, but I bet it's my girlfriends." he smiled but it didn't reach his eyes, something held him back, but he didn't know what.

"Oh, umm yeah I can." She lied. "Bright red, leading out the door towards the village. Soul Mates." She offered a warm smile, one that she bit down on.

The chains rattled against her skin as she looked out the windows cell. Her attention went back to Gray when he shifted and began to ask his last question.

"Can you see yours? Do you know your soulmate?"

She paused and her heart clenched. Looking at her feet she smiled sadly. "Yes, I did."

"Did?" He questioned.

"My string was cut as a punishment. My dear friend was connected to a cruel man, one who did not love her and instead of letting her be wed to him, I cut her string and separate their ties. Her string grew back into a golden hoop where she found her true soul mate, and now they are happy and as a result of my choice, my string was cut."

"So, it grew back?" he asked hopefully but the shake of her blue locks told him otherwise.

"Sadly no." He voice was on the verge of breaking. "I loved him so much too. He was the most charming man and fought for what he believed in and never backed down on anyone. He had the kindest heart under his icy-uh his rock exterior. And his eye just drew you in. He was my person, my true connection but-I lost him, and he will never know how much I loved him. Our bond was destroyed and his memory of me was erased and he was given a new string. As for mine, it turned black and is still tied to him, a reminder of what I could have had. A cruel twist of fate. One that follows me and mocks me like a child."

Silence cut through the air and his heart hurt for her.

"Do you regret it? Saving your friend?"

"No. Because I would rather lose my love then watch my friend suffer when there was something I could have done. I will be okay."

"I'm sorry. I hope that one day you will be reunited. I couldn't imagine not being with the one I loved or knowing that they were right there, and you couldn't reach for them."

Irony bit at her lip as she choked back a sob. His dark brown eyes flooded into hers as he offered a sympathetic smile. The urge to break free from these chains had never been greater and she felt like she was suffocating.

Soon silence fell upon them as the guards came to take him away. She let out a painful sob as he was carried out the door and she felt her chest tighten when he looked back and smiled softly. Her eyes never failed to capture the black string wrapped neatly around his finger.

"Goodbye my love." 

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