the backstory

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Hello I'm known as darkibon you might know me might not but I didn't always act like this. Used to I was like a sweet and innocent. Then I found out about HIM my hero might know him as darkiplier,chef iplier, even GOOGLE but I know him as markiplier. I saw dark as I call him he was well awesome I watched videos of him all the time to much I had started to act like him dress like him but I could never talk like him I could talk like Wilfred warfstache easily but I found out something about myself that I took into me own hands.....I WAS THE IRISH DARKIPLIER I was so overjoyed i was speechless I started to get mad at people easily and I kept falling asleep but people at school told me I just had a serious face on I didn't laugh smile then I smiled a very devilish smile they were scared I got mad and walked off I guess that's what they said I was asleep I awoke and was standing I was confused I walked back and everyone flinched I spoke and everyone hugged me I told them to get off but again I fell back asleep woke up again this time I was sitting no one scared so I started walking the sleeping is more constant every day if anyone knows me don't be scared

That's all I have to say goodbye cause I'm getting kind of sleepy hello miss me 😈

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