Forgiven but not Forgotten

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(Sakura POV)

I am not the type of person who is willing to forgive what cannot be forgotten. . .

Or so I once said.

I hated him.

With every fiber of my being, my life, my soul.

He had taken my dream, the love of my life.

I could not. . . Would not believe it.

There was just no way.

But here I am, once again. . . Watching them.

And once again, feeling my heart break.

I sighed, closing my eyes.

The first time I saw them together I was furious.

We were out on a mission in the woods. Kakashi was sitting on a tree branch with his ever present book, while Sasuke and Naruto had gone off training.

I was getting quite bored sitting there bye myself, so I decided to go for a walk. I knew they didn't like to be bothered while training, but it couldn't hurt to watch right?

I laughed slightly to myself.

Was I ever wrong.

I found them, not too far away from camp, sparing as I expected.

They seemed to be evenly matched, but I could tell Sasuke had the upper hand.

"Kage Bunshin no Jitsu!" I heard the blond call out as Sasuke was surrounded by five more Narutos.

I watched, my eyes full of admiration, as the dark haired boy fought off the offending blonds.

And before I knew it, they were standing on the ground panting. Sasuke with his ever present smirk as Naruto glared back.

"Is that all you got dobe?" I heard Sasuke ask, his voice seeming less insulting than normal. His onyx eyes anything but cold and emotionless.

"I'm just getting started, asshole." Naruto replied as Sasuke calmly walked toward him, his smirk never leaving his mouth.

"Oh really?" I heard the raven haired boy ask as he stopped a few feet away from the blond. His voice almost teasing.

"Yea, really." Naruto said as he closed the distance between them, wrapping his arms around Sasuke's neck and claiming his lips with his own.

I remember at that time feeling nothing but anger and hated toward the blond shinobi. I wanted desperately for Sasuke to push him away, to yell at him, insult him. . .

But none of that ever happened.

I remember watching, feeling my heart shatter, as Sasuke wrapped his arms around the Naruto's waist, and fiercely kissing him back. Pulling him closer, as if he never wanted to let go. . .

I didn't know what to think. . . I was blinded by anger and hatred. I didn't even register the tears flowing freely down my cheeks or the way my trembling body fought to keep me standing.

They parted from the kiss, staring lovingly into each other's eyes, before Sasuke tenderly pulled Naruto back into an embrace.

If I wouldn't have been so angry, so blinded. . . I would have seen it.

Something that wasn't meant for anyone but Naruto to see.

I would have seen Sasuke smile. . . A true smile. Not one of his smirks, not menacing, not bragging. . .

Just a simple smile.

I would give anything to see him smile like that at me.

Anything and everything. . .

Forgiven but not Forgotten (SasuNaru)Where stories live. Discover now