As Luck Would Have It

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It was cold.

A bitter cold.

The sky was pitch black as tiny snowflakes silently fluttered down from the sky and gently landing on the solid ground below. Although snow and cold were quite common this time of year, tonight was unlike any other night before; merely stepping into its freezing depths instantly made your whole body numb.

And tonight, as it so happened, was the night that my father (who had come home drunk with a lady friend in hand) promptly decided that I was to spend the night outside. With no concern for me, he roughly handed me five dollars, shoved me outside and loudly shut the door behind him.

I sighed as I heard the door lock.

"Wonderful. . ." I muttered to myself, my voice full of disdain.

I looked around observing the deserted streets as I rubbed my arms trying to keep some warmth inside of them.

Normally this wouldn't be a problem. I'd usually just go over to Yugi's or something, but as luck would have it. . . Today was Christmas Eve.

There was no way that I would randomly barge into one of my friends houses tonight. Christmas Eve was supposed to be spent with family.

I sighed once again as I began walking away from the rundown apartment complex. I silently took the five dollar bill out of my pocket, studied it, and promptly stuffed it back in. It wouldn't be unlike my father to give me fake money; he has done it numerous times before.

I wrapped my arms around my body as I continued down the quiet street. I found myself wishing that he would have at least let me grab a jacket before throwing me out in the cold.

I could visibly see my breath as I spoke.

"Father of the year strikes again." I said sarcastically, inwardly laughing to myself.

Since it was so late out it was doubtful that any store would be open, not to mention the fact that it was Christmas Eve. So there was little chance of me finding anyplace warm to sleep.

Not that five dollars would get me very far anyway.

I looked up at the sky, exasperated, letting the tiny snowflakes land on my face.

I had never really been sure of anything in my life, but there was one thing I was sure of now: It was damn cold out and I was shit out of luck.

I wondered around for about an hour, finding myself growing colder by the second.

I coughed into my freezing hand as I slowly sat down on the curb of the road. I wrapped myself around my legs, fruitlessly trying to keep what remaining heat I had inside my body.

"Damn. . ." I whispered as I shivered uncontrollably.

There wasn't a soul out on the road and there were no shops open. It was probably around 9 pm and I was sure it wasn't going to be getting any warmer anytime soon.

"Damn!" I said again, letting anger seep through my voice.

What the hell did I ever do to deserve this?

I could die out here!

My mind paused.

I could really die out here. . .

I closed my eyes, resting my head on my knees. For once in my life I felt kind of helpless. . .

I was stuck outside on Christmas Eve, freezing cold without a jacket. I should have gone to Yugi's when I first got kicked out.

As Luck Would Have It (Puppyshipping)Where stories live. Discover now