In The Face Of Defeat, I'm Winning

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"Fine, see ya' later, (Y/N)!" Kevin flipped shit and slammed the front door behind him. We'd been fighting so much lately about his distance from me.

"God." I rubbed my temples to make my headache go away. 

I continued throughout the day. Kevin never returned and I managed to get all of my chores done without any interruptions. This point, I'm getting worried.

"Neil?" I had the receiver to my ear.

"Yeah?" His voice was low as if I interrupted a nap.

"Is Kevin over there?" I wondered.

"No, why? Can't you find him?" His voice perked up with interest.

"No. He stormed out after a fight and I'm worried." My voice was shaking.

"He hasn't stopped by. Do you want me to check at the others'?" Neil offered. He was the only phone number from the band I knew.

"Sure, that'd be awesome." I near sigh of relief escaped my panicked lungs.

I waited about fifteen minutes before my phone rang again. I answered it as quickly as I could, fumbling the phone in my hands and nearly dropping it.

"Did you find him?" My chest was heaving from panic.

"No. He's not at anyone's place." Neil said in a depressed tone. 

"Okay, thanks. I'll drive around and see." I furrowed my brow. I slipped on a light jacket and grabbed my car keys.

As soon as I stepped out onto the stoop I saw him. He was red-faced and passed out in the car. I ran to the door and opened it up. I caught his attention fast.

"(Y/N)!" He was startled.

"I've been looking everywhere for you!" I shouted. "Why the fuck would you scare me like that?!"

"I didn't mean to, chill out, baby." He got out of the car, clutching something in his fist.

"You doing drugs now, too." I stared at his balled up fist.

"Ha, no." I could see in his bloodshot eyes that he had been crying.

"What then?" I softened my tone, worried for him.

"I...was going to...ask you to marry me?" He opened his palm to show the glittering, diamond ring and the indents it left in his skin.

"Kevin." I hushed my voice completely. "I'm sorry, I had no idea." My voice was rushed.

"I's not your fault. I don't know how to lie properly." He giggled. "I love you, so much."

"I love you, too." I embraced him tightly.

"So what do you say?" He said into my neck, causing shivers.

"Yes." I sighed the greatest sigh of relief.

In the Face of Defeat, I'm WinningWhere stories live. Discover now