Red (Collab with Katxzee)

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Red's POV


Well yeah, you guys know me as Red. I'm currently part of a gang called The Blood Skull Gang, well, how did I end up here? Simple.


I was well, living in pain back then. "Mom? Dad?" I shouted but heard no response. All I heard was a knife stab sound. I gasped in horror as I peeked through the keyhole of my tiny room. I looked just to see my parents, lying dead in a pool of blood. I found of a way to escape, and noticed the window was open. I jumped through the window and landed on my feet, barely refraining from twisting my ankle. I ran further and further, until I met a bunch of guys spray painting the wall. "Excuse me?" I asked. The guys turned and looked at me. "Guys let's take him to our base so he could be one of us!" One of the guys said. I felt myself being blindfolded and thrown in a car.

When I opened my eyes, I realised that I was tied to a chair. "Oh hey there kid! It looks like you seem lost. Well we can help you make you rich! Rich and you could get anything you want!" What I thought was the leader said. I thought of being rich. I could afford anything. "So whaddya say kid? Wanna join our gang?" He asked me. I nodded without thinking twice. "Brilliant! What's your name kid?" He asked me again. "Red." I answered. "Alright, let's get started on the basics! Let me teach you how to be like us!" He said and walked, I followed him shortly behind.


I truly felt like a pro at this. I was starting to rob banks, just like the other gangsters, and I even got a signature outfit now! I think that the gang members are treating me equally as one of them now, and I was happy I accepted their invitation.


Being in this gang is fun I have to admit. That was, until one day, when I accidentally left the other gang members while robbing a jewel store, they blamed me for ruining their robbery. They never treated me like before once that happened, and I felt like I was the most useless thing in the world.


Waking up on the morning as the sun shone on my so called bed, and I started packing some of my stuff and putting them in my red backpack. I ran away from the other gang members, hoping to find a better gang to join.

While running and frantically searching, I came across a brilliant idea. Why not I MAKE a gang? That would be the most logical answer. I came across a motorcycle with a girl on it. "Yo you there! Can I get a ride?" I asked in my most chill tone. The girl hopped off her motorbike and asked. "Your a gangster right? I'm assuming you can rob banks?" She winked at me. "Eh yeah! I can rob banks." I answered. "Great! Hop on, and I know we just met, but can you be my boyfriend?" She asked me. "Hmm.. I guess why not? Well your beautiful, what's your name?"I asked. "Nikki, and you?" She asked back. "It's Red, nice to meet you. Would you join my gang? I'm making one called.. The Crimson Gang. I just started today." I asked calmly. Nikki giggled and smiled. "Sure! As long as you can rob stores!" She accepted. "Yeah yeah." I smiled back, and took the driver seat. "I'll drive." I told her. "Such a gentleman~" She hopped on the passenger seat, and I drove the motorcycle to find shelter for us.


My gang is growing steadily. It consists of at least a 10 member gang, pretty good. Nikki's the only girl, but considering she's my girlfriend, I don't really mind.

That was, until One day.

Having a blast with her, robbing banks and all, but there's just this something, that I feel like something is missing about her, she just does not have... that thing. Why do I feel like something is different? She seems to be more distant from me than before. I need to check out what's wrong.

I ran in her room and she was not there, so I locked her door, and stayed in her room to find evidence why she's been avoiding me. I saw this book on her table, and well, this shook me from one of her entries.

Dear diary:

The reason why I like Red, is because he knows how to rob a bank! He shares his money with me, oh how thoughtful of him. I'm only being his girlfriend just because he can get money for me, anyways, I'm going to the robloxia forest lake to see my crush.


Well I'm going there right now.

When I arrived at the scene, I spied on Nikki's actions and what she is doing, I saw Nikki waiting in a bench for someone I guess, not long till a boy came and greeted her. I looked closely and listened closely, for what are they about to say. "Hey Nikki, how's it going?" The boy asked. "Oh Jimmy, how am I ever going to be with you? I mean I got someone called Red as a boyfriend.." Nikki said. "Ah, are you using him to get money?" Jimmy asked. "Well yes, that's the whole case." Nikki answered and I realised. Nikki is just using me for money, she doesn't love me. "Then why not just pretend? I mean I love you, maybe we could be boyfriend and girlfriend! I'm sure Red won't notice." Jimmy said, before I had heard enough and left the area. "I only need Red, the others are useless." I heard Nikki said as I ran away. Tonight I am planning a robbery, and I'm getting her arrested.

"Hey Nikki, ready for the robbery?" I asked with a fake smile on my face. "Yeah I'm always ready!" She said, but I knew she was just pretending to sound hyped. I called the rest of the gang to get ready for the robbery, and we set off on our vehicles. I had a lambo, Nikki sitting right next to me on the passenger seat. This will be Nikki's last ride on this lambo, well she does not deserve it.

When me and all gang members all reached the top of the bank, we opened the emergency exit, and started getting the gold bars. We ran out just to see a bunch of police outside, guns pointing at us. Quickly, I took action and started fighting the police by hand. Nikki then pulled my arm away from the rest of the gang and ran behind a building with me. She gave me a smile, then winked and said. "Red, they are useless, only you know how to rob a bank, none of them do." I grabbed Nikki's arm and took it, then walking towards the police with her. I could hear and see some of my gang members, with handcuffs on them, meaning they got arrested. "Red! Run!" They kept warning me, but I just gave a thumbs up and mouthed a thank you. I alerted Sherman by using my uzi and shot the floor once.

"Hey stop right there Red!" Sherman instantly recognized me. "Sherman, I am not here to get arrested, but rather here to do a deal. Don't arrest me this time. Arrest her." I said, and pushed Nikki forward. "She's using me for money, that's stealing right?" I said with a cocky grin. "Well yes Red, that is true.." Sherman said, deep in thought. "Wait what? Red why are you doing this, I did nothing wrong!" Nikki said innocently, but I knew she was faking it. "Nikki, I saw what you did! Not only did you only become my girlfriend to use me for money, but you also CHEATED on me with another boy! I heard your conversation the other day, and Nikki, I have four words for you. You're. Such. A. Bitch." Nikki looked speechless. "Red how could you?!" Nikki screamed in horror. "Sherman, do we have a deal?" I asked the police officer. "Just this once, Red Reid, just this once." He said and arrested Nikki. "Red! Run!" I heard my gang members shout again. "Thanks guys, i'll avenge you!" I shouted back to them as I ran away from Nikki, hopefully never seeing her again.

It was that day, when I never felt love since then. I was a solo gangster now, and decided to rename The Crimson Gang, to The Crimson Gangster.


It was from then, I started robbing alone. I felt loneliness ever since then, I miss being with friends, as well as having a girl with me. I sighed as a prepared for another robbery, trying to forget all the things that happened, and went back to my cocky attitude, ready for the robbery.

Love is complicated.

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