My Story On Bullying

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This is true and i wish i could go back and change it all but i can't but i learned from my mistake and please learn from my mistakes and get help..

When i started to get bulled i thought the people that were doing were playing around trying to be funny but then my best friend said "heyy you do realise that they are not being funny they are trying to hurt you" when i thought about it i said no i didn't know and said thanks. After a while it got worse then this year came i am grade nine and a girl and the bulling is worse then it was ever before i cut myself four time because of them and my best friend started cutting herself because of me and when shr asked whats going on i told her but sge said there is more to it so she asked if there was anything going on at home i tried to lie but she seen through she asked what was going on so i told her everything. When i finished telling her she was upset and angry that i went to no one for help when she got i refused and it got worse to the point were sometimes i still feel like cutting myself or worse feel like i shouldn't be alive bjt then i think of my friends that i love and my nans and pops and of course my little brother i love them all to death then people ask why don't i love my perents well i tell them my mum couldn't care as long as i don't make her angry and that my real dad is dead and cause thats not a secret i get bulled for that and being fat when i am not really so i started starving myself and my friends had to force me to eat but all this bullying affected my school work so i tried to ignore it when that didn't work i broke into tears and told my best friend that i hated life and wishing i was dead. People might think i was making this up but when people get close to me they hurt because i can't control who i hurt i am still surprised i still have friends but i know they are true friends cause they helped me through everything but now i am alittle better but not much cause sometimes i still want to cut myself but i think of the people i love but i regreted not gling to anyone for help but i don't need it anymore so if thks is what you are gling through please get help don't do what i did. And this was all this year i didn't write this to get pityed or anything i just wanted people to now that when they are gling through the same thing i did that it will help to talk to a trusted adult.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2014 ⏰

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