When We Dream

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All I could see was the trees running beside me, but they weren't winning the race. The ground raced as well as it kept up with me I looked at the trail in front of me as the moons bright light a clear path for me my competitors were fast approaching. I cut through the thick wind as it chopped through my long black hair which was trailing not too far behind me. I took a quick glance over my shoulder as I couldn't see much, but the group of bright red pupils and white baring fangs under them following behind me piercing through the darkness. I turned back to the trail in front of me as I slammed on my breaks quickly, it caused me to stumble forward just the slightest.

I was no longer looking at the trail, I had won the race and at the end of it was nothing, but the Northern rapids at least 150 yards below. The grand prize for winning this race was Death. I quickly turned around to be faced with the red pupils and bared white fangs. They stepped a bit close enough to be exposed to the moonlight. What the moon showed was horror. A group of Wendigos. They toward over me as the moonlight shined against the pale white boney skin. Showing every bone as it was a skeleton wearing a wet sheet. I took a step back and they took a step forward it was like a sick twisted dance of the tango except at the end, I would die

With every bone in my body screaming at my brain "It's over for us, we're through" I turned my back to the hungry pack of wendigos and jumped. My legs thought before I could, I guess they didn't want to become toothpicks to the pack of the beast after the need to pick me out of their teeth. I pulled my slender legs up to my chest wrapping my arm around them, sucking in a deep breath as I prepared for impact. Although I was plummeting towards death the cool air rushing around me felt great, but was quickly put to an end when I hit the ice cold, rushing water below. It was in an instant, as soon as I hit the icy waters I was swept away by the currents. I bobbed my head up between waves gasping for air, as now that I was down here the air was cold and burned my throat. Trying my best at all attempts to stay above the hell waves I failed. My eyes were burning from the water ramming into them every time I went under and came back up. I quickly grew tired of fighting the rough waters as they thrashed me around like a bag of chips being shaken up.

Little did I know that my weakness would be the quick death of me, as I stopped fighting the water I quickly felt a sharp pain in the back of my had and my side. I had been slung into the jagged shorelines. The warning that was heeved to me caused me to quickly begin to fight again. I'm afraid it was too late for that. I had truly reached my end. The falls were right in front of me with its arms wide open ready to embrace me and I not even prepared to accept it. With quick thinking, I turned away trying to swim away, but I wasn't strong enough to fight the currents I was washed right over the falls, as I looked up at the sky it looked beautiful for once, as I never really got the chance to sit and watch it seeing I was always racing under it. The fall felt like forever, but the impact wasn't. I hit the deep pond under the falls and everything went black.

Hanna jumped up from her sleeping bag, as there was a small light lantern next to her. The small candle stick inside burned strong it, light up the whole inside of her tent. She peered around the tent as cold sweat dripped down her forehead she guessed it was from the intense nightmare she just had. She rubbed her the back of her head as she thought about when she was in the rapid and she hit it against the jagged rocks, but it felt just fine. She inhaled deeply and laid back onto her pillow as he pulled her sleeping bag flap back over herself she stared up at the top of the inside of the tent. Thought to herself about the crazy adventure of a dream she had. She giggled softly to herself for a moment until she spotted a tall, yet slender figure standing outside next to her tent. She slowly turned to face it, she used her hand closet to the lantern to waved out the flame causing the tent to go dark. She held her breath for a moment as the figure slowly turned its head to face her as it leaned close to the tent she could see bright glowing red pupils staring back at her through the tent...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2019 ⏰

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