22nd September 1983

35 0 0

On this day, Will was born. To his beloved parents
Lady Farquaad and Lord Farquaad.
but then, Lord Farquaad ran away  and left his wife and his son only minutes after he was born.
"I'm sorry gtg babes brb xx"
he didn't come right back >:(
I mean, he did come back but 18 years later on will's 18th birthday.
Now, Will was a very handsome boii and he was very talented aswell.
He played in a small, very, very, very unknown band called Basil, and very much liked other amazing bands like Frantic! At The Party and My Neutral Friendship. Anyway, will despised his father very much and didn't want to hold his last name, so he changed it so nobody would guess who his dad really was, but subtly hinted to who it may be, (thus how we managed to find out all this information because we are so smart ;) ) and changed it to Farquarson (aka, Farquaad's son). His mother was very protective over her son and decided this was for the best.
But one day, there was a knock on the door..
it was Lord Farquaad.
Will was surprised, but he decided maybe to give his father a chance?
so he did, and his father explained why he left with one mere sentence:

"I wanted you to be happier, I wanted you to be happie-rr"

will soon grow close to his father
Right up until the age of 35 years, on a musty April evening while playing chess with Lord Farquaad.

His mother paced around the room, until finally she blurted out
will and Lord Farquaad were shocked, they stared at her, confused.
"What do you mean, mom?" Will asked, hesitantly.
"I mean he's not your father... I didn't think it would happen like this, I truly thought it was you, Farquaad... but I have to confess.." she sighed.
"It was January 1st, 1985." She began
"I saw this man, oh this shiny headed gorgeous manifest of a man.. he had a head like a crystal ball that I couldn't help but to caress my fingers over, it was magical." She began to cry, reflectively."So one thing led to another and... shit happened. so like basically I thought he was pretty cute so I asked for his number, and maybe we could meet again, but then he broke the news to me:" Will shook his head in pure shock.
"He told me he was a time traveller and that he will never age, and it would never work out with him never growing older and me getting old without him, it wasn't fair - I agreed to that... and that was that." She sat down, tears flowing uncontrollably." The next day I met you, Lord Farquaad and I just assumed he was yours.." will interrupted abruptly:"but how are you sure that this man you're talking about is my real father?"
His mother began again.
"Because I realised how beautiful you are, and I realised that Farquaad could never produce someone like you and I realised that the genes are just not complimentary if he is really your father, you look like Phil anyway."
Will choked.
she covered her mouth in shock.
will persisted
"Are you implying that I know him??"*pikachu face*
"Yes... it's Dr Phil.. that hunk of a man..."
Wills screamed
his mom bit her lip
"son yes?"
Farquaad stood up
he threw a knife at both lady Farquaad and will,
To which lady Farquaad died
Will did not
will punched him in the nose and threw him in the fire
suddenly, Will drank a memory loss potion and fell asleep
He awoke 3 days later, with his band mates
He asked what happened
Dan said
and that was the end.
k bye xx

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2019 ⏰

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