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Aisha's P.O.V

With an smirk on my small tender pink lips, bright fire burning in my magenta colored eyes, I looked down at the little raven-haired girl, with tears in her oval shaped green eyes.

"I'm going to ask you again, who the fucking hell allowed you to eat my precious chocolate cake!", My loud words echoed through the hallway, making the girl I was holding roughly against the wall, and the people who surrounded us shiver.

"I-I'm sorry Isogai-san! I-I didn't know that the cake was y-yours!", She muttered under her thick tears that were flowing down her petite cheeks.

My teeth gritted, as a tiny hint of Bloodlust bioled up, making the held on her arms even harder. "Shove your 'Sorry' up your ass and back to Alaska, it doesn't bring my cake back! I except you to treat me a new one, or else..we might have an problem around here."

I let go of her, making her body fall down against the wall. I pushed myself out of the crowd that surrounded us, turning to the exit of this satanical place I call my school.

Kunugigaoka Junior Highschool, a place where parents think their children will become successful in their lives. Well, parents who think that way, might have been an fail birth to the world already.

I mean, don't get me wrong, the school itself is a really nice place. The main building is shown to be a huge building with a spacious campus. The campus is reminiscent to a small college campus. It has four main stories, a gym, a baseball field, a track field, and a swimming pool. The main building itself also houses both Junior High and High School of Kunugigaoka.

In the Kunugigaoka, it's all about whether you are smart or not. Gladly, I'm student in Class A. We have the smartest students in our class, of course, I won't forget the idiot, Gakashuu Asano, son of the chairman and magnet to foolish girls.

On the other hand, if your grades are bad, or you have an bad attitude, your getting send to the End Class.

Class E is located on a mountain about one kilometer away from the main building. Their classroom takes the appearance of a rundown/small school building that has basic classroom and school accommodations like a small faculty lounge, desks, a blackboard, and a field.

Being apart of the End Class? Oh honey, you already wish you would commit suicide on the first day.

E-Class students are being judged and bullied from the Class A-D students who remained to stay at the main building. They are being judged either for being idiotic assheads, or dumb fools who will never see the real consequences in life.

Do I hate on the E-Class? No.
Do I have someone special in the E-Class? Sadly to fill it in as an answer, yes.

My older brother, Yuuma Isogai had been sent to the End Class after the summer holidays. He was an disgrace to me, to our family. Our family isn't as wealthy and happy as other ones. Our mother is working every 24 full hours straight with her 3 jobs, to be able to give us a home and food. On the other hand, our father passed away due he was diagnosed with Aids four years ago.

Both of us promised to learn as hard as we can, to earn our dream jobs in order to help our mother. But, after he died, a wave of regret and depression hit Yuuma, and his grades dropped dramatically fast. On the other hand, I concentrated on what I have promised father, and spent countless of days and nights of endless learning..and learning..useless freaking learning.

Maybe it was the grades that drifted us away from each other, but in the end, both of us, lost the deep connection we had to each other. What I also noticed was, after he went to the End Class, his attitude changed. Whenever me or mother would ask him what exactly happend in his school territory, he would always lower his head, his eyes struggling as it takes him a few seconds to Form an correct answer.

I am totally sure, that there is something off about that End Class, and I'll sure I am going to figure out an-

"Excuse me daydreaming, metal colored haired lady. You're Isogai Aisha, right?" A calm voice tuned behind me, my attitude dropped to the annoyment again, as I turned around to face Mister oh my god I could literally buy your useless life since it isn't really that expensive.

"What dya' want, Strawberry Blondie?" I whistled, casually looking down at my nails, which I painted pearly white yesterday.

"Look, I don't have time for you, but there is something I have to tell you from my dipshit I call a father.." His eyes were burning on fire, as he mentioned his father. Should I maybe get some holy water for this innocent devil? Nah, he doesn't deserve it.

"The short part of the story, Asashit.." I folded my arms together, waiting patiently for the announcement the Student Council President has yet to say. What would it be? That I would finally get into the Five Virtuosos? That for my good grades I'd get an extra free day to learn?

But, after I heard what he said, I wasn't sure if I either wanted to start laughing or crying. Did that asshole seriously just said what I think he did?

"Listen here, asshat. I don't have the whole day to hail you for your shitty presence I don't give a fuck about. So repeat what you just said.."

Asano face-palmed, as a sigh was heard from him. He looked back at me, a hint of regret that was painfully crushing his eyes.

"I'm sorry, Isogai-san. Your going to continue your lessons in the E-Class due your violent reactions, and disrespectful words."

My body was frozen like a stone, I couldn't move, neither say a thing. I lifted up my right arm, ready to hit the Blondie in his ugly diamond shaped face. Tears gulped up, hitting against my eyes, complaining about breaking out.

"I-I..uhm..oh! I just noticed I'm on my bloody period. So uhm, you probably don't want me to get your ugly face covered in my beautiful blood now would ya?" I laughed, as I pushed myself away from him, making my way home.

It all started with an smirking redhead, who was watching the conversation from afar.

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