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Ten years ago... Thats a lot of time, but it seems so close. I will never forget that day, because it totally changed our lives. A human was gone, dead.  When I think about it, I always end up at the same point.Even if we don't want, we are all exposed. Let’s face it, life and death are nothing but two sides of the same coin. We can be scared of death, but there is nothing we can do about it, she is always there, stalking…

I always wonder, how does death pick her next victim? Why do some people fall into her trap too fast, even before their time is up? Why some other people, instead, manage to avoid death time enough to enjoy the pleasures of life, and just when they feel their time has come, they leave this world in an endless sleep? Who chooses that? Is it written from the very beginning? Or are the decisions we make all over our lives, responsible of the way we end up?

And now I ask you… Is our destiny fully in our hands? Not always. The problem is that we have two different kinds of people, completely opposite and complementary at the same time. The first group consists in those people who are unable to control their own lives. For some reason, they're not good enough to keep power over themselves, and gradually (even if they do not agree) they give their power away. They get tired, just tired of trying to just hold on to that control for a little while longer but, they always give up.

In the second group, we have those kind of people who aren't only able to control their own lives, they also control other people lives. How? In a lot of ways. Love for example, is one of them. I mean, when you love someone, don’t you trust that person in your life? Isn’t it like you put your heart in their hands? Well, that sounds fair enough, right? But what about when they get over you, take power, and make your life miserable, just because they think they are better than the rest? What about when they are that selfish that they don't care about someone else? Let’s make it clear, and name it: bullying.

I have known a lot of people like that. They think they own the world. They destroy anyone who dares to get in their way. “Popular kids?” Not really, I would call them jerks. They only care about material stuff and how many people are after them.

You may be asking, what is all this about, right? Well, let me explain. Mila, she was one of them. One of the pretty popular girls in my school, as I said before, she only cared about herself. No one was important enough to care about, that's what she thought. Of course they were important when she needed them, she is a bitch, but she isn't stupid. She could act very well, she would make you think you were her best friend, but she was only looking for something you owned and once she got it, she's gone and you're still the loser. 

Going back to that day, I saw something that I had never thought could happen. The “bad chick”, unalterable, the one who never showed her feelings to anyone, the one whose life was based on superficiality, was unrecognizable. She wasn’t herself when I saw her.

People have a gift: Curiosity. They are also morbid and ruthless. The place got filled quickly. We lived in a small town, where gossip was the favorite activity to do. All the cars making noises that created an annoying atmosphere, cars of the police and people. There were ambulances too, but it was too late though, they couldn't save them. I guess some teachers or maybe the principal,  was schocked after seeing what happened.They hurried and phoned the hospital, still hoping that there was something that they could do, but death always wins the game. The victim died in the accurate moment when the bullet hit the body and no time given to shout from the pain. The victim's dead was instantaneous. At least that is what  the subsequent autopsy would say.

Two policemen were taking the body away. A tall, skinny woman, wearing sunglasses was following them. I guess she was the victim’s mother, but I'm not sure about that. I couldn’t see her face, as her head faced the ground all the way to the police car. Mila was quiet, she didn’t even move a muscle. However she was acting weird, like she was alive, but not paying attention to the world around her. She locked herself inside a fictitious bubble, probably to protect herself. On that moment, she needed to be alone, nothing or no one else mattered. You could see tears running down from her eyes. Her face was pale and expressionless, suddenly, she raised her head. She stared at the body and tried to reach to it with her left hand, but the body was to far to make it. She didn’t intend to stand up, she just fell on the ground and yelled desperately.

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