Let go.

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Hello guys. I know I was long absent, but I am slowly trying to get back into writing. I can't believe how many clicks and comments I got while I was gone. Thank you all so, so much. From the heart. This here is just a tiny thing. I hope you like it anyway.



I am sorry...

You whisper in my ear and it sounds like nothing to me.

Just a sweet, breathy promise, so shallow and blank.

Your soft, sweet smelling skin brushing against mine in the half dark and I do not care that I can't reach out for your heart. I am in the dark and trembling grip of my own desolation without you.

Sometimes I am even afraid that I have no feelings at all anymore.

Oh, there is this numbness that goes so deep. Leaves me calm in the eye of almost everything.

Just in moments like this I let my emotions crawl up from underneath the shadows. The hard wall I keep around myself.

They get precious then. So clear.

Like raindrops on a spider web.

Like a single strand of pure copper laying right beside your warm, coral toned mouth.

Like my wet, dripping lips capturing yours in a taken plea.

Why don't you let me?

I am sitting with my back leaned against my car's sun warmed up backside, feeling the comforting metal on the skin of my neck. It feels like home sometimes. Like the place I belong. Beside something moving, unsteady, something I can always save when it's dying, repair when it's crushed to it's innards.

Oh I am so tired of breaking things.

I can hear the cracks of your mind when you are screaming at me. It's louder than every word you say.

The air around me has that dull, heavy smell of a late summer afternoon. It smells like calmness. Like a soft embrace of opportunity that has you breathing slower, making you feel you exist. It's a short point of realization. All the things you could have said...I could.

Sometimey you just take it.

Your pale hands claiming me like a creamy white predator with wild eyes.

Because you always just take what you want. You always get it.

A king with no crown...and then I can see it sometimes. Your golden, rich hair. The way you move your head.

Up and down.

Because you are not gay.

But you need to be wanted.

How much I want you...

Soft, pulsing desire and I hate you so much that my body aches to leave.

To let you go.

You're a nightmare in golden sheets.

Sweet, sweet dripping honey that sticks to me.

You use me. And I can't forgive.

Just walking into atmospheres on purpose. Being melancholic is painful, but beautifully slow at the same time.

I keep my eyes wide shut.

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