You Are Important

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Dear Reader,

          This is a fan fiction about my favorite Youtubers: Markiplier, LordMinion777, Muyskerm, Jacksepticeye, and Yamimash (although they are not the main characters). my twitter friend Diazoleinfinity, who encouraged me to do this and helping me out when I got stuck, and to my favorite Youtubers: Markiplier(Mark),Jacksepticeye(Sean),Muyskerm(Bob),LordMinion777 (Wade), and Yamimash (Aaron). Thank you all for everything. You all have done so much for me!
"Today someone needs to hear this now more than ever: You Are Important."-Markiplier 4/7/15

          "It's so dark in here...I am so alone. Why should I even wake up? I am not important."

She thought floating in the darkness of the abyss.

          "You are important...Everyone is important." said a male voice.

          "Mark...Markiplier!?" She said in shock.

A light began to shine through the darkness and soon the light engulfed her. Then she woke up. Jamie sits up in her bed.

          "A dream about Markiplier...well, at least his voice anyways. I really need to cut back on watching his videos." She thought to herself half asleep.

          She got out of bed and got dressed. Since today was the first day of St. Louis comic con. She got dressed in her Markiplier shirt and put the flannel shirt over that. Then turned to her dresser grabbed her glasses and headphones. Heading towards the door, she walked out of her room and into the hallway on her way to the bathroom. She looked at herself in the mirror to check her appearance and make sure everything was perfect for her female Markiplier cosplay.

          "Wish Mark had brown hair then I wouldn't have had to dye it black, but, oh well." She muttered.

          "Jamie!" Her grandmother yelled

          "Well, it's time to let the dog out." She thought with dread.

          She let the dog out and walked outside to the porch. Wondering when will she truly get a life of her own or even fall in love. Then she thought that any guy that would fall for her would have to be crazy and insane. She is an alpha female. She loves her freedom and doesn't like to be controlled. Just as she was starting to zone out, the dog wanted back in. She walked back into the house. She went into the kitchen and saw that her grandmother was falling asleep.   

          "Grandma, you look tired. Maybe you should go take a nap and get some rest." she pleaded.

          Then, she walked back into her room. She looked over at her night stand and grabbed her phone. She checked her Twitter feed and saw that she had one notification from her twitter friend, Diazole.

@JamieSchneider_ Did you hear @Markiplier ,@LordMinion777 ,@Muyskerm ,@Jack_Septic_Eye ,and @Yamimash have all gone missing! :0 #MissingYoutubers

­          Jamie was in shock. She couldn't believe what she was reading! All of her favorite YouTubers missing! She thought back to her dream and then shook her head, thinking it couldn't be a connection.

@Diazoleinfinity @Markiplier @LordMinion777 @Muyskerm @Jack_Septic_Eye @Yamimash NO WAY! Does anyone know what happened to them?! #MissingYoutubers

          She waited about 50 seconds then a tweet came back. But not from anyone she knew.

@JamieSchneider_  @Diazoleinfinity @Foxtrot44 check your e-mails.

          Jamie checked the username of the person who tweeted it. The username was NFVGB. Not anyone she was familiar with.

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