Part 1

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Now, before we begin the story, first you've gotta know some of the backstory in order for you to kinda get a better grasp of the story:

Taehyung and I have been best friends for as long as I can remember. we first met when we were in primary school in the 2nd Grade when Taehyung first transferred into my school. He would get picked on a lot cause that's just how life is. One day, I got tired of watching poor tae get bullied to I tried to put a stop to it and ended up getting picked on too. Ever since I stood up for him, he'd never leave your side. We were inseparable. Fast forward a couple of years to now, and now we are both attending university. together ;)

It was our first day and you were waiting for Taehyung to get ready so we can go in together. 

"Hurry up!!" I yelled from outside his room

"coming, coming" he replied calmly. Of course he was taking his own sweet time. "Ok, lets go" he said with his boxy smile. 

"Finally" I chuckled as I walked outside, side by side with him.

I hopped onto the bus and took your seat right next to tae. You began to fidget due to how nervous you were. Tae quickly picked up and wrapped his arm around your shoulders

"You'll be fineee" he said, showing off his bright, goofy smile as he pulled you closer to him. I look up at him and pulled yourself out of his grasp and patted his head. 

"What'll I do without you" I said as I laughed aloud

"you'll be a LONERRRR" he yelled so everyone on the bus could hear. I quickly pulled him into a head lock and messed up his perfectly combed hair. When we reached the university, we rushed over to the entrance ceremony. We then took our seats next to each other, waiting for our names to be called out.

Once the entrance ceremony was over, we went over to meet everyone. There was this one girl who seemed to be really pretty and wouldn't take her eyes off of Taehyung and I. Well, more specifically, she wouldn't take her eyes of Tae. I didn't think much of it at first because I just thought she wanted to be friends. 

oh boy was I wrong...

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