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Emptiness was something you became accustomed to over the years. Once you lost the reason to live there was no going back, not until you found a new reason at least. Yoko Ono never truly found a reason to live and it made her feel kinda pathetic. She knew that feeling didn't define her but she made it her duty to find the reason to overcome that feeling.

Her search lead her to countless towns in Japan, hoping to find something to do with herself. But as a result she found herself apart of the port mafia.

It was terrifying to know that a 20 year old had found themselves doing the dirtiest of work for the people of power and influence. Yoko grinned a Cheshire grin forgetting her position in this world now. She wasn't an executive or anyone special in the mafia as she hid her true potential, her ability.

Her ability was something that no one could ever understand, cloud piece. It was both sinister and peaceful, a perfect contrast that existed inside of her. She who had this ability, would never reach her end. A meaningless life. There was no death that could be reached for her but she could click her fingers and someone would die.

Cloud piece was her dirty little secret, but it gave her a reason to keep searching for meaning. Yoko wanted to die. She was still young but without meaning, what good would it be for her to live a long life. She could only cause suffering, even though she hated hurting the innocent she knew some people had to be punished.

Yoko grabbed the gun hoisted on her thigh and aimed towards a man with a suit, claiming to be called 'Raven'. "I'm innocent, I've done nothing but help the mafia and I get repaid with death? I hope you all rot!" Yoko groaned, this guy should just shut up already.

Chuuya ordered the mafia men around him to shoot Raven and his men immediately at any sign of threat. "This could have turned out differently you know, you could have listened to our warnings and left. But you didn't listen, did you jackass?" Chuuya spat at him as gunfire was heard in the background. "My men are going to kill you know? so we can go home in peace, bye" a grin painted on his face as he shoot Raven in the forehead.

Yoko was able to finish one or two men that surrounded Raven until Chuuya ordered her to leave. "Yes Boss, where to now?" She hummed, confidently strutting next to the young mafia executive. "You know you're basically my bodyguard right? No need in being formal, I just wanna go get a drink and forget today!" Yoko crooked her head to the side, imitating a kitten as she questioned his drinking habits. Is this how it is to act young and my age?

The bar was empty except for the four mafia members drinking and chatting loudly. Chuuya was already drunk, mumbling about a man named Dazai. Gin, who was also with them at the mission, drank quietly staring at the commander deep in thought. Tachihara was also invited due to his connection to the mission. He kept glaring towards Gin, creating enough tension between the two where not even a butchers knife could slice through. The only reason the red head had even shown up was because of his admiration towards Yoko who had proven her worth to him a long time ago.

Yoko stared into her cup of whiskey, contemplating whether it was worth waiting for the ice to melt or not. She only had time to worry over small things, nothing big was ever in her control anyways. The only thing "big" she could possibly control was someone else's end using her power.

without thinking anything more, she drowned the whisky down her throat, gifting her a pleasant burning sensation. Her eyes flicked towards her reflection and frowned. Her dark raven hair was put in a high ponytail and her grey eyes pierced through the mirror. At the least you could have made me pretty, after all I'm living a long life. This thought made bile raise in her mouth since she felt her feelings were evil.

Yoko got up herself, lifting Chuuya up from his seat. "Let's go home, you have work tomorrow" Chuuya stared into her eyes then groaned. "Yoko-chan why couldn't you be short and a bit cuter?" His words made her heart heavy. She was very aware he was drunk, but it still stung as she knew she wasn't the prettiest.

"I'm never coming with you to get drunk again. Ask the commanders next time" with that said Chuuya was on his way home.

"you were never the cutest child. For me you were the plainest one, easily forgettable." Yoko was scarred.

authors note:
I've written 3 chapter of this fanfic and I still have no clue what direction Yoko's story will lead too, all I know is that I want her to find love ;-;
also this is my first fanfic so feedback would be amazing!

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2019 ⏰

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