The Other Side of Him

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Hey guys! This is a story I wrote for my Danganronpa OC but you can always put yourselves in it and completely ignore my character! Anyways I hope you enjoy!

Warning: Cursing is present in this fanfic (Kuzuryuu's fault not mine) so proceed with caution if you don't like that kind of stuff. Thank you!

Oh! And if you like this story and would like me to continue it, lemme know! ;) and as always comment any suggestions you might have for me to make better stories!

Okay I'm done now!

I was standing outside Kuzuryuu's cottage questioning whether I should knock on the door. I raised my hand, breath hitched, struggling to put my knuckles against the wood. It felt like years standing there wondering what to do. To knock, or not to knock? What do I do if I should? Come to think of it, why am I here again? I retreat my hand back and start to head off somewhere else when-


"Oh!" I gasped and slowly looked down

His head was...

Buried in my chest!

This can't be happening..

"I'm sorry I uh..just happened to be walking around and thought I'd check on-"

He freed himself from my bosom and kept his head down
"Yeah it's fine whatever"

He walked off before I could finish, but he didn't yell or curse at me. He really has changed from the last trial...poor guy.
I tried to push the embarrassing moment out of my mind. Luckily Hajime walked into the hotel site just in time.
"Hey Ayumi! You okay? You're super red in the face!"
I placed my hands on my cheeks and tried to get it together
"Oh yeah I'm just-uh-y'know-don't worry about it!"
I prayed he didn't want to discuss it any further
"O..kay? Well I'll see you around. Take care of yourself and try not to talk to Nagito too much. He's being extra strange today."
"Will do!"
I didn't really feel like bumping into Fuyuhiko again today so I stayed in my cottage until dark. Way to go Ayumi, you made your crush hate you even more!

-Nightime Announcement-

Wow I've isolated myself almost the whole day, definitely not the best thing to do when you're the ultimate counselor, but oh well!
I decided to get ready for bed. I turned on some tunes and turned the shower on. As I waited for the water to get warm, one of my favorite songs started playing. Like an idiot I grabbed the nearest "microphone" type looking thing I could find and started jamming out. "Maybe I should have been the ultimate musician instead!" I laughed to myself. As I finished my big song I did a small twirl and screamed in horror.

Fuyuhiko's POV
I hadn't seen Takahashi since I bumped into her earlier today. I don't know what's been nagging me to do this but I wanted to check on her. I was pretty sick of people hating me after all the shit that's been going on so maybe that's why? I don't fuckin know I'll just do it! I knock quietly as to not to disturb her too much if she's sleeping, no answer. I again knocked but just a bit louder, no answer. I then tried the doorbell, no fucking answer. "She's probably ignoring me, not like I fucking blame her." Then a thought came to my mind, what if something happened to her? Wait why the fuck do I care? It's not like she's anything like Peko. Just because she acts like she cares about me that doesn't mean she really does...right?

"Oh for fucks sake!"
I slowly turn the knob



She's either really stupid, dead, or both.
I gently push the door open wider and wider.
I come upon the..most unique site I've ever seen.

I stand so still, not able to breathe normally, shock clearly written all over my face.

"Jesus woman what are you doing?"

Have never stuttered so much in my life. I swear my face is on fire! I came up with the best excuse I could think of

"Why are you here anyways? Are you so mad you're gonna kill me?"

At first Fuyuhiko was shocked
"What the!? No!"

But that quickly faded into a blush as he looked away.
"I just wanted to"

What? Check on me? Me? The one who keeps making him mad? Me?

"You really do need someone to check on you, considering you must not ever lock your door." A small smirk made its way to his lips as he said that.

"I..usually don't lock myself in."

"..You must have a lot of faith in this group."

"Well..whether I do or not, I'm the ultimate counselor. I always want to give everyone the opportunity to talk about how they're feeling. No matter what time of day."

He again looked away but I ended up noticing his pink cheeks get a bit darker again.
"Ugh! You're so gross! Sounds like the worst talent."

"And being a rich heir in a gangster group is better?"

Before I could stop myself the words just came out.

"Oh my gosh I'm sorry! I shouldn't say stuff like that...I'm not usually so snappy."

"'s fine"

"No! I really shouldn't say things about you like that..I barely know you and with everything your going throug-"

"Shut up! I said it's fine! don't have to keep apologizing for're gonna start sounding like Mikan.
Look I just came over here to apologize to you if I sounded mad earlier that's all. I'll be going now."



"I..I appreciate you coming over. I just want to let you know I'm always here to talk whenever you want. If there's anything you need to get out."

"...I'll keep that in mind"

I could have sworn he just smiled at me. It wasn't a full on smile, but just a little tiny corner of his face lifted up ever so slightly. Not like his usual smirks. I count that as good points.

We said good night to each other and I got ready for bed. As I lay down to sleep I can't help but smile like an idiot. Maybe he doesn't hate me as much as he used to.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2019 ⏰

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