The first damned, soaked day.

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Hello! First off these characters do not belong to me all rights reserved to hetalia!

Now I know arthur is actually a real gent and is nice, but this is an au where he is the mean punk and alfred is the dork, that being said expect some mischaracterising if you base it off of their actual characters~

Thank ya for reading and I apologise for any errors!

-updates are and will be slow-


Arthur Kirkland, mostly known as the schools punk, was currently stuffed inside an irritatingly loud and obnoxious bus, filled with fellow non fiends, or people who actually wanted to go to this two week long hell.

Who the hell would actually enjoy being stuck, and most likely alone for him, at this fucking day care camp shit?! It was stupid, the people were stupid. They're stupid jokes along with their stupid preppy friends, who didn't have the decency on even talking to him!

His two only real friends weren't here, the wankers. He couldn't blame them for not wanting to come, they weren't as bad as him, and every prank they did was organized by him, so the school didn't feel the need to trap them here.

It would be nice to have someone to talk to though, not be alone as the girl sitting with her chest popped out and legs crossed, were staring right at your ripped jeans. The one that were almost tight enough to see his flesh bulge out of the rips that he himself had inflicted upon the blood shaded jeans, that if you lifted his regular and boring black shirt, you could see on the belt loops there were the smallest silver studs I have ever wore. Now, she may be boring her numb and lifeless eyes into my jeans, but then her gaze moved to my hair, most people dared to look at it, often mumbling how punk or "stupid" I looked.

"Oi, are you just going to stare at me like the brainless fish you are?" I question, giving her a snarl through my scowl. She shakes her head no, turning around and stares out the window, the lifeless essence never leaving her dull brown eyes.

I guess she wasn't going to just stare at me.


As soon as we arrived, I stared at what was supposed to be the men's cabin, it was way too bloody small to fit eighteen hormonal teenaged boys in.

I sighed, giving the sky above me a snark look that you gave that one person that can piss off your day in a second look, the "can you honestly fucking not" look. And that's just what the sky was doing, pissing me off even more as its clouds formed rapidly against time itself, starting to rain.

I only stood there, feeling the pit patter drum against my skin, watching the first three drops collied and run down my hand, forming a stream. a little stream against the sickly pale skin of mine.

"Kirkland hurry up, if you get sick then I'll just throw you in the lake." mr. Fenster quickly told me, standing impatiently against the door to the boys cabin.

"Alright, I wouldn't want to wast your time." I mumbled in response sarcastically, walking nonchalantly by him and into the cabin.

"Please dry off your belongings that have been soaked. And everyone must stay inside so don't think on running out." I nod, dropping my old duffle bag that I've had since third grade, the thing is starting to fall apart. But you know mum. Always needing to use everything even when it's breaking.

I turn around, facing the old man. my eyes first make contact with his sharp, energetic blue ones that were surrounded by wrinkles and cresses that have been set in his skin.

"Yes sir, I don't plan on getting ill on the first day. That would be no fun at all!" i slither out the words, sarcasm following along and weaving itself into them as the old man grumbles and shuffles out of the room.

"Bipolar much.." I mumble along with someone else, clearly confused to be mumbling along with someone. I snort, more of a scoff sounding noise though, as I stuff my hands into my back pockets before spinning around, changing the position of my arms to be crossed.

"What?" I ask, raising an eyebrow and slightly pop my hip.

"Oh! I didn't mean it to be directed to ya, I just sorta listened in the back. But hello! my names Alfred and it looks like were bunk buddies!" he said, extending a hand out to me as I stare blankly at it, unamused at his geeky clothes that included a neat button down dress shirt and crisp jeans. Thank god that they weren't tucked into his jeans or else I would've slapped him silly for having no sense of fashion. Good fashion anyways.

"How do you even know we share bunk beds, and if so you're sleeping on the bottom. And, I don't do names." I sigh out, looking up as he opens his eyes to reveal similar blue and energetic eyes as before, but these weren't surrounded by times wrinkles. But instead a clean shaven face with lightly tanned skin, unlike Mr. Fensters where he had freckles and ghostly skin.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2014 ⏰

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