Detonation (book two, SuperWhoLock)

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"Jeriah, you're not focusing."

"What?" the nineteen year old looked up from where the long, cylindrical blade rested between his slender fingers. "Sorry, sir."

"What's clouding your head these days, son?"

"I haven't been myself lately, s'all. My apologies, sir." the so-called Jeriah raised his blade and moved his feet into a defensive position once again, bringing his fighting stance back up to standard.

"You don't have anything to be worked up about, Jeriah. You're fed and strong, have regular training and excellent comprehension. I've never had a student catch on and keep the hang of my strategies better than you have. Your troubles are that of petty mortals." the "sir" sighed and dropped his own blade, leaving the prodigy armed alone. "Jeriah, are you having those tendencies again?"

"No, I haven't felt that way since you started giving me the medication. But I was thinking about some things that I shouldn't be..." he admitted, now standing straight with his blade at his side.

"What kind of things, son?"

"I know you told me when I was young not to go into your library because the books told of things I was not yet ready to know..." the teen took a brief pause to relieve some of his nervousness. "But a few weeks ago, I wandered into your office to find a paper for the Master. The library door was open and I-"

"Jeriah, I never keep my library door wide open." he reminded strictly. "Tell me the truth, boy."

"I tried the handle and picked the look using a paper clip and a letter opener." he blurted. "I just looked at a few of the books and read part of one."

"Foolish child," the man hissed. "I've warned you never to enter that room! This is exactly how it starts. One single concept to spew a million theories and thoughts. If you allow yourself to carry one burden, you'll kill yourself under the weight of a million!"

"I should have listened, Igneal. I know that now, but-"

"You will call me by respective pronouns or I will cease to call you to my aid, boy." Igneal clenched his fist. "What evil have you allowed yourself to see?

"It was called The Fall of Gallifrey: Two Hearts Broken, Two Hearts Lost."

"I ought to revoke your liberty for this week, Jeriah. Lord knows I want to..."

"What is love, Master Igneal?" Jeriah practically begged. "The book talked about love. What is it?"

"Jeriah, I will hear no more of this! Silence!"

"Why can't I know about these things yet?" the young man yelled back with frustration. "I want to know what a family is, Master! The book talks about love and a career and babies. Two people having a baby together to show love. What does this all mean?"

"It doesn't matter!" the old man's voice crackled around, leaving the even the echoes of the arena silent. "It will never matter to you, Jeriah. You will never be burdened with parenthood or romance. You have a purpose, and that simply isn't it." the man sighed and placed his weapon on the table. "Get out of my sight, I can't look at such a disappointment right now."

The boy listened, tucking his weapon away in it's place on the wall and returning to his room. While his trainer's words circulated around his mind, the majority of his thoughts went back to the book.

It talked about a mother and father, a male and female, who had children together. He was a child, at least at one time he was, anyway. Did he have a mother and a father?

"Stop it, Jeriah." he scolded himself. "That will never matter. Don't carry their burden, don't take their responsibility."

Little did Jeriah Winchester know, he was the son of a legend.

The legend of Dean Winchester.

Detonation (book two, SuperWhoLock)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang