Chapter 1

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Program Discovery Day

To say that Mark was ready to be completely surrounded by wizards everyday with the same magical abilities as him was incredibly frightening. To know that he did not have a power that would leave him advantageous above those he would be with daily left him feeling slightly weak. No one in his family had been formally trained, this meant that everytime he would use his magic, the color that would expel from his hand did not give him insight to the type of powers he had.

Today was the day. Today was the day that his program would be decided based on the color his hands exude. It was the opening ceremony for the incoming class. Looking around Mark saw many students ranging in age, some looking old enough to be his parents. Others looking young with fear evident in their eyes.

"Hello, my name is headmaster Evanora, and on behalf of SoMAW, I welcome you all to the entering class of witches and wizards" a voice booms drawing everyone's attention to the beautiful woman who appeared suddenly in front of the new students. She stood smiling down at all who clapped at her with incredibly fair skin and white hair matching the all white ball gown that clung to her upper half before releasing into a beautiful ball gown with a dramatic lace cloak draped over her shoulders.

"Before you are all assigned to your program, I will give the heads of each of the program a chance to introduce themselves and their program to you" she smiles back and all the students can't help but clap and smile at her. Mark smiled back as well but could not help but feel fear that she had the power to make so many feed into her charms.

"Hello, my name is Zornitsa, and I am head of the celestial program here at SoMAW," a tall women with incredibly tanned skin and purple hair steps up to the front. With a black body tight long sleeved dress on she stood out compared to the other modestly dressed older people she stood near.

"Should the color black come from your palm today, you will be granted entry to one of the most recent and magnificent programs here. We will equip you with knowledge of other planets and their languages and cultures. Not only that but you will have a better idea of how to use your magic by utilizing lunar phases. I hope to meet many of you soon, thank you" with that she steps back and smirks out at the crowd of students, many looking back intimidated.

"Thank you Zornitsa for starting us off, I will follow up with the aquatic program. My name is Harbor, and I am the head of the aquatic program. In my program you will learn to utilize the ocean waves to exude your power and become natural carers for aquatic creatures if you have blue come from your palm. Thank you" a stubby old man in dark blue dress pants with a grey dress shirt tucked in says as he uses his cane to act as a microphone for his soft spoken voice.

"Hello everyone, my name is Pearl, I have the pleasure of being the head of the herbal program here. If you have green come from your hand, today you will learn to become one with the earth and utilize crystals and other natural features to give back to mortals, animals, and other magical entities" an older lady with mint green dress pants and a plain white shirt says as she smiles down at all of the students.

"Good evening to all, I am Amabel. I am the head of the medieval program here at SoMAW. Should you have the color yellow come from your hands you will be taken on an amazing journey learning this history of magic and all of the fascinating ways to continue conveying this knowledge to future witches and wizards" a woman with a classic yellow dress on informed everyone.

"Hello, everyone. My name is Shadi. I am the head of the arts department here. Should red come from your hands today, you will learn the history of the magical arts as well as use your magic to become a visual artist and this will lead you to potential fame. Thank you." This tan middle aged man wearing a bright red suit says before stepping back to let headmaster Evanora return to the center position.

"Each year, we are so thrilled to have fresh magic enter our school, and this year I can simply feel the greatness. Now, so we can get you all off to your correct programs. Once I finish speaking, you will cast the "ignitrium" or basic lighting spell. By doing this a color will extend from your palm. If it casts black you will join the celestial program with Zornitsa and follow her to your section of the dorms. If your hand casts blue you will join the aquatics program with Harbor. Green means the herbal program with Pearl. Yellow means the medieval program with Amabel and red means the arts program with Shadi. Best of luck to all, you may begin" headmaster Evanora says before disappearing into thin air. The program heads all go off in seperate directions leaving themselves visible so that students may know where to go.

"Ignitrium" Mark as well as all of the other students say. He feels a slight tingling in his hand before a circle of light begins to come from his hand it glows a soft shade of white before turning black. He was now apart of the celestial program. He turned to his left and saw the student next to him also had a black light.

"Hi, my name is Mark" Mark says to the student who smiles back at him as they both stand grabbing their travel bags and beginning their walk towards Zornitsa.

"Hello, I am Lucas" the other says and Mark just smiles at him as they head to their designated area.

"This is so exciting, I really wanted to be apart of the celestial program" Lucas says with a glint in his eyes looking over to Mark with a smile on his face, "how about you."

"I am going to be honest with you, I did not know much beforehand about each program so I am not really sure I had a preference, but I think this will be an amazing experience" Mark said looking as his peer attempting to reproduce the same joy he had on his face.

"Hello, my celestial babies" the young witch Zornitsa said coming to the front with a charming smile and a small laugh, "welcome to the celestial program, here you will experience the greatest years of your life as well as some of the hardest moments."

"Together you will learn to face the hardest struggle of them all, life" she says with a sudden serious face before smiling again and clapping her hands, "alright everyone find a partner who you would not mind sharing a dorm with, once everyone is paired we will make our way to the dorms."

Without needing to say a word, Mark and Lucas look at each other and nod agreeing that they would be okay rooming with the other. Their luck was not issued to all of the students around them who scrambled to make conversation with any decent looking person. This whole process lasted around three minutes, a bit quick, before Zornitsa felt satisfied leading the students to the upper level building that their program would reside on.

The pairs were each directed into rooms equipped with two twin size beds, two dressers, and two desks. Somehow their belongings had reached their room before them. Mark and Lucas could sense the comfort they would have with each other and decided to unpack their items almost immediately.

"Thank god I met you, if I had to go through all that ruckus to find a roommate I think I would have cried and quit school" Lucas jokes with a laugh and Mark nods in agreement.

"Or imagine ending up with some nut that was left because everyone paired off first" Mark counters back and Lucas just smiles wider.

"I don't know, we only met a bit ago there is still potential for us to turn out hating each other" Lucas pauses a second before saying, "I don't see that happening though" to which Mark agrees.

After finishing the grueling task of unpacking, Mark and Lucas found themselves drained and ready for a nightsworth of sleep. The two, after changing into pajamas, chose beds and decided to turn the lights off and call it a night so early. Both tired but still finding it hard to sleep due to the excitement of what was to come at SoMAW.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2019 ⏰

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