Rant 01

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My first rant

So here's the thing, when I talk with you. Don't you dare fucking judge every single thing I do or say. If I'm curious, don't answer my question just to fucking insult my ignorance. I never liked you, and I prolly never will. If I want to lighten the mood, just don't comment.

Please, all I want is to act freely without being judged, is that really a hard thing to do?

At first, I actually wanna be friends with. Since you showed similar interests with me. As soon as we got close, I had a better view of your attitude. You criticize people just because you're jealous.

And just because you know more doesn't mean you're the best.

If you read this, there are few things I'd like to say:

1.)Keep your opinions to yourself, no one wants to hear you complain. I mean, you tell us (me and my best friends) your problems and we listen but if we tell you ours, you judge on how petty it is compared to yours.

2.)Stop being insensitive. Everything you say makes me more conscious than I already am.

3.)Don't just look at things at your point of view. I know we all got different things to say but don't be selfish. Think before you act because you might be hurting someone without noticing.

4.)My family doesn't like you. I agree with them. Sorry not sorry

**So ya'll must think how overdramatic I am, but y'all have no idea how shitty her attitude can be. So my friends first thought that her attitude was bearable but as time goes by, she became an asshole and I couldn't agree more.

Im sorry for complaining and thanks for reading.

sori ip I had a lot op grammatical erors hueheuhe

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2019 ⏰

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