abandon all to god?

41 1 1

and what would god do with my lips?

fat, skin and nerve, for what food will god slip

over to suck, nip and fold between

what had once been my teeth?

my coffee bit and country round

bone travelers, the feet of my mouth,

where would god take them?

and what would god do with my nose?

what flowers and salt would god inhale?

the scent of a body at dusk

after working in the field? or after baking

in the wet heat? what bodies would god

warm? whose fingers would god allow

to love what had been my mouth,

or my rough strike beard? God

in all of god's wood would taste

pine and moss and oak fine wine.

What would god arrange for his ears

to ring and echo echo echo the heart?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2012 ⏰

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