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Hi, it's thequadraticformula!

This is a weird one-shot that I suddenly came up with while trying to write the part two of Im Nayeon is a listener and procrastinating before school work.

I don't really know how this came about. The idea suddenly jumped to my head and it just kept flowing.

I've used some Japanese on my cover (By the way I don't own the photo. Credit goes to the rightful owner. I'm too lazy to look up who's it is) which is just a translation of 'Mutual friends'. However, I did use google translate because I am uncultured and cannot read or speak Japanese. If you can read Japanese, please point out if I have made a fatal mistake and I will gladly change the phrase on the cover.

Hopefully this is a good story, because it may be the reason why I fail my maths and physics exams.

Oh well.

This story contains sexual references as well as some course language. I didn't think it was enough to rate it mature, so if you think I should change the rating, let me know and please proceed with caution.

Thank you to all who have picked this up to read, and please look forward to more new stories and the part two of Im Nayeon is a listener which is in the planning stages!

I hope your week is going well...

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