So..I kinda like you as more than a friend.

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"And I'll see you all next week with another new video bye!"Jenn says before stops filming. "Bzzz" Jenn's phone buzzes to see a new text from Alyx that reads just got here be up in a minute. Alyx checks herself in her visor mirror and wipes her day long smudged eyeliner off and reapplied some mascara. Alyx get out of her car straightens our her overalls strap and grabs her phone. "Ding Dong" Jenn answers her door greeting Alyx. Hey, Finny!! Alyx says as Finn jumps on her very excitedly. "I postmated Starbucks and Chipotle!"Jenn says moving her props from her video. Alyx picks Finn up and snuggles him. "Good,I'm starving!" "So what are we going to do today?" Alyx says curiously. "There was a new episode of The Bachelor on DVR we can watch that!" Jenn said excitedly sitting down next to Alyx. "That's a cute outfit.It fits you well you should take pictures in it!"Alyx tells Jenn. "Maybe we should take some. Want to be my photographer?"Jenn asked Alyx. "Yeah. I can be I guess. What is your battery percentage?"Alyx replied. Oh shit it's 5%. Jenn said."DING DONG" Alyx answers the door for the postmate while Jenn plugs up her phone. "We can use my phone" Alyx says to Jenn as she closes the door. Jenn gets her coffee and takes a sip. Let's take pictures and then we will eat and watch The Bachelor. "We should go in the bedroom there is better lighting."Jenn walks to her bedroom door and Alyx follows. Jenn sits on her bed and stares at Alyx for a minute. "I think I should lay down and you take the picture from above." Alyx climbs on the bed and stands up over Jenn and takes a few photos. Jenn laughs at her angle of Alyx. "Are they good?" Jenn says still giggly. Alyx looks at Jenn's photo for a few seconds in awe of Jenn. "Uh, yeah you look..they look good!" Alyx said stuttering over her words. "Show me!!" Jenn said moving out from under Alyx cause Alyx to wobble on fall on the bed beside Jenn. Jenn busted out laughing causing Alyx to laugh as well. They laugh for a few minutes. Then Jenn ask to see the pictures again. Jenn scrolls though the pictures and she says "This one is my favorite!" Alyx agrees. "Ok,let's eat now!!" Alyx says leaving Jenn's room. Jenn checks her phone and gets the Bachelor ready. Alyx gets the chipotle and drinks and brings them over to the coffee table. Jenn and Alyx start eating and watching the Bachelor. *45 minutes later* "Man that sucks!" Alyx said a little annoyed. "Yeah that was not a good way to end the episode!" Jenn said in agreement. "What time is it?" asked Alyx. "It's pretty late you can just stay over if you want." Jenn said invitingly. "Yeah..ok." Alyx said nodding. Jenn looked at Alyx and yawned and  said "I'm so tired. I'm going to go to bed. Come in there when you get tired." "Okay. I will. Goodnight!"Alyx said throwing the empty chipotle bag away. Jenn brushes her teeth and goes to bed then falls asleep 15 minutes later. Alyx sips the last bit of her coffee and checks her phone she checks Twitter and then Instagram and she puts a picture on Finn on her Instagram story and closes out of the app. Alyx realized that she hasn't sent those pictures to Jenn so she quickly makes a message with the pictures and sends them. "bzzz" Jenn's phone buzzes. Alyx looks at the picture again admiring Jenn. She could help but think of how crazy pretty she was then she puts down her phone. Alyx walks to the bedroom she sits on the bed. Jenn turned to face Alyx still sleeping. Alyx looked at her and gave a slight smile. Alyx changed into some sweats of Jenn's and brushed her teeth with an extra unused toothbrush Jenn had. She gets in the bed and turns to face Jenn and she smiles and dozed off at 1:30 a.m. *9:30 a.m.* Jenn wakes up and looks over at her phone she grabs it and sees the picture Alyx sent her. She gets out of bed and starts the shower. She showers gets out and brushes her teeth and got dressed. Alyx woke up shortly after Jenn was finished. Alyx grabbed her phone and walked to the bathroom and brushed her teeth and peed. She then told Jenn she was about to go home and check on Moo and shower. Jenn said ok and hugged Alyx . Alyx left and went home and showered and fed Moo. She got dressed and decided to film a video and asked Jenn if she wanted to come to her house to film with her. Jenn agreed. So a few hours later Jenn showed up at Alyx's apartment dressed in a shirt with the saying Hotter than Hell and some black skinny jeans. Alyx let her in and told her that her outfit was accurate. Jenn smiled at Alyx long enough to make Alyx giggle. "So what video are we doing?" Jenn asked Alyx. "I thought we'd do another revealing your secrets video." Alyx told Jenn. Alyx quickly sets up her camera and opens google to her forum of secrets. They start filming and come across a secret Alyx could definitely relate to it read "I've been in love with my best friend for almost 2 years and she has no idea. I have no idea how to tell her. She's a girl and I'm a girl. When I'm with her I get so many butterflies!" Alyx says same and shortly after nervously laughs. Jenn looked at Alyx and giggled and brushed it off. Alyx quickly cuts the camera and looks at Jenn for a minute. "Are we done?" Jenn asked Alyx confused. " you as more than a friend."Alyx says nervously. Jenn looks at Alyx for a few minutes sitting in shock.

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