How it all began

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All I ever wanted was to be a hero. I wanted to save people just like All Might. 


"Why don't you do the world a favor and jump off the roof of the building and hope your born with a quirk in your next life!"

"I'm sorry but being a hero without a quirk just isn't possible."

"I'm so sorry Izuku..."

"Deku, that's what I'll call you: someone who can't ever do anything!"

-Flashback End-

All my life I've been quirkless. Everyone's always told me I couldn't be a hero. So that's why I'm here. On the roof of my middle school. In a suit and tie, ready to jump.

"Kacchan I'm doing this for you, it was your advice after all," I said to nobody in particular. I walked to the edge, closed my eyes then jumped. I waited for impact. But I landed way earlier than I should have.

I opened my eyes. "Hello Izuku....we've been waiting for you" A man with blue hair and a hand over his face said to me. 

"The fuck do you want? I'm trying to end my life here!" I sneered at him. I wanted to die and I had nothing to lose so why not?

The man scratched his neck irritably "Listen up brat, I'm here to make you an offer. You join the League of Villains and-"

"You do know I'm quirkless right?" I asked him

"YES! But you have valuable information and can be a great spy!" he said

"Oh well, hell yeah I'm in!"

"Good I'm Shigaraki Tomura."

"Izuku Midoriya." I shook his hand and noticed he kept one finger off of me.

"This is going to be fun I can't wait to see Kacchan again. To tell him he was right, I can't be a hero after all!" I busted out laughing at the thought of his expression once I tell him. " I've got nothing to lose..."

You were right, KacchanWhere stories live. Discover now