Chapter 1

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"Harry and I have grown apart, I have to admit. I mean, he is still nice and all, but just not my type anymore. What should I do?" I whispered to Hermione in the library. "Uh, I really don't know what to tell you, Ginny," was Hermione's answer. "Can't you atleast tell me... something... to do?" I tried getting Hermione to tell me SOMETHING but she wouldn't budge. I stormed out of the library in frustration, and ran right into Draco. "Excuse me, blood-traitor. Watch where you are going. Or do you just need glasses because you are so blind?" I sighed. "Malfoy, please, I have better eyesight than you. What do you want?" I wasn't going to leave until he answered. "Ugh, you aren't leaving until I answer, are you, blood-traitor?" I most certainly wasn't, and he knew it. "Alright. I wanted a book on dragons for that giant of a professor's essay. Satisfied?" I most certainly wasn't. "Excuse me, but Ron doesn't have an essay. Why are REALLY here?" I was starting to get super annoyed. "Why do you care?"he snapped. I rolled my eyes. "I was just leaving. Now ANSWER me!" I shouted in his face, and he did NOT look happy. "I am...actually... here for Pansy to tutor me. Alright?" Malfoy needed tutoring? I could leap for joy! I just laughed in response and walked away, with Malfoy looking sour.

As I walk into the Gryffindor common room, I am quite surprised to see Professor McGonnagal waiting for me. "Ginerva, please come here. I have a serious matter to speak to you about." I walked over to McGonnagal. "Sure. Go ahead, Professor," I answered. "Ginerva, you O. W. L. S. are coming up, so of course I want you to do well," she began, but I inturupted saying, "Where exactly is this going, Professor?" Professor McGonnagal sighed. "Ginerva, this is going to the point of where you need is tutoring. I assume that Miss Granger would be ever so pleased about tutoring you, for I asked her myself. What do you say? Would you care to be tutored?" So that's why Hermione couldn't talk to me. She knew that she was going to tutor me. "Well... if I do better..." I began. "Wonderful. I expect to see you working hard, Ginera," said Professor McGonnagal as she walked out of the common room back to her office. Well, maybe being tutored isn't so funny anymore after all.

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