The Grier's

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"Goodmorninggggggg sisterrrrr." Hayes said while running into your room. As soon as you wake up Hayes smack cams you very hard. "BENJAMIN HAYES GRIER, get yourself back in this room right now!"

Hi, I'm Carleigh and I should probably start with my story. Well, I'm Carleigh Grier... 14 years old... Twin sister of Hayes Grier... Nash is my oldest brother but I don't get to see him a lot because of Magcon and my little sister Skylynn is just an angel. So yeah, that's pretty much all except the fact that most of the Magcon boys are like brothers to me.

When Hayes doesn't come back into your room, you jump into the shower as fast as possible, take a quick shower, get out put on your Matt Espinosa shirt (only because you know the Magcon boys are coming over and you have a secret crush on Matthew Espinosa)with some jean shorts and vans. You run downstairs only to find all of the boys there. "Guys!!! You're here!!!!" You run to give them a hug and Shawn gives you a hug so tight you can hardly breathe... "Shawnnn, I can barely breathe... Can you let me go?" You say in a weird voice. Everyone laughs. You guys start to catch up when you notice Jack G and Jack J giving Matt a weird look when you notice Matt is smiling at you...

Why was Matt staring at Carleigh?

Hayes Grier's Twin SistaaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora