what i miss

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They say when you see them, you forget as if it never began. They say the only thing keeping the memory alive is the shitty videos you cluster during the experience. Some of us get sad, some get frustrated, some are just happy they were able to go. Me? Oh I didn't go, I couldn't go. Not because of the money, not because I wasn't allowed but because they disbanded. I think once Jin went to the military, they all started falling apart, piece by piece. You could see it, everyone could. Bangtan isn't Bangtan without the 7 members, am I right?

The first to decay was their happiness
2nd was their trust
3rd their friendship

After those 3 things dissolved it all crumbled and with that, so did the army. In the end, they all went there separate ways. All except me and my sinking anchor. It still hasn't hit rock bottom yet, but as life must go on, so do I. So as the boat moves my anchor begins to feel heavier by the day.


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