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 Matthew's  POV

Manny's arm forced mine down. He stood up from his seat. At first I was confused. Then it hit me.   I only realized when somebody- something, dragged me from my seat. Their grip on my arm shot pain throughout my entire body. I looked at their face. Their red lips curved. Sharp teeth sat firmly in their gums. It resembled a human, but I don't think it was anything close to human. The creature strangled me to the ground. Confusion swirled in my mind. I was dying to know how they would do it. What a fucking coincidence. Have you ever read those medical memes? You know, the ones where the doctor asks the patient if they want to know something, the patient says that they are dying to know, and they are actually dying? Man, those are good. Anyways, the... I wanna say clown... reached down, still firmly grasping my neck. It was getting harder to breathe every second of this torture. Other people had such quick death, for example, JC had a quick stabbing. Me, though, I'm the one that they're gonna savor. Well, I must be the luckiest man in the world. At this point, I was gasping for air. The group hadn't left yet. Manny was being held back by a few members of the group. I would of held him back, too. He shouldn't put himself in harm's way. I lost. I die. The clown was standing up right by now. It firmly planted it's foot on my torso. I might've been able to wrestle my way out of this situation, if I had any fight left in me, which I didn't.  The clown raised something I couldn't make out  night into the air.  My vision was a bit of a blur. Then it hit me. I don't mean I realized something, I mean it literally hit me. I realized that it was a rock. The clown had brought the rock down and smashed my skull. I could hear my brain... frizzle.  Shrieks surrounded my last moments. My eyes remained open for a few seconds until... well, the real smash kicked in.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2019 ⏰

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