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One dark night a man was walking in the sidewalk just covering a little distance, he was on his way home. It was 6:00 PM on his way he met a woman. He approached the woman he saw the woman had problems with her car so he asked the woman "Do you need a little help?" And so the woman looked and she said "Yeah um do you know how to change tires? I think I got a flat tire." and the man replied "Well I know a little bit of changing tires. I'll help you with that."

And the woman feel relieved and then said "Oh thank you sir." She sighed and asked "May I know you're name mr." And so the man replied "My name is Carlos. My friends call me Carl."

The woman smiled and said "Nice to meet you Carl. My name is..." the woman hesitated to tell her name and Carl asked "Ms are you all right? You seemed to be hesitating." Then Carl go near to the woman but when he was about to get closer the woman fainted right before his eyes. Carl startled he took out his phone called the hospital and reported the incident and their location. After a few hours the ambulance came.

Carl was with the woman in the ambulance towards the hospital when they reached the hospital the men in the ambulance get the woman in the wheel chair and bring her inside. Carl followed like he really know who the woman is, now Carl keep on asking the people if the woman is going to be alright.

Now a doctor confronted Carl and said "Don't worry to much boy we will do everything to help her." After carl sat down in relief but deep inside him he is scared.

Minutes later a woman came in the hospital and then asked Carl "Are you the one that brought that woman to the hospital?"

And then Carl stand up and said "Yes Im the one, and by the way who are you?"

The woman replied saying "I'm her sister."

Then Carl was shocked and then the woman continued "My sisters name is Sunshine while mine is Aira and thank you for bringing her here in the hospital when she really needed it."

Then Carl is confused on why does Sunshine needed to be brought to the hospital. So he asked "Why,why does she need to be brought to the hospital?"

Aira sat down and then told Carl everything she said "It all started when we we're kids. By the time the epidemic started in 1986. She was twelve years old she got infected by the virus." And Carl got shocked he knew about that incident where a lot of people died because once infected the person will get a fever then the fever will worsen and the person will just die because of the hotness of his own body.

It is explained like a fire that burned inside a human body doctors never found a cure to that sickness. So Carl asked "How did she survive?"

Aira sighed and continued "She survived because of that mysterious old man. He was the one that gave my sister in exchange of..." Their conversation stopped when the doctor came out of the opperation room and said "Who are the relatives of the girl?" And then Aira replied "I am." And the doctor talked to Aira privately in his office.

Carl saw the conversation of the two is taking too long so he went inside the room where Sunshine is lying down in a bed. Carl went to where Sunshine is lying down. Carl felt a chill down his spine when he was about to go near her, he denied this because he thought it was just the air conditioner near the bed of Sunshine.

So he still continued to be there beside her suddenly Sunshine's hand moved trying to hold Carl's hand when Carl saw this scenario he hold Sunshines hand and called for the doctor to tell him the patient is already a bit conscious after the operation. The doctor quickly came and also Aira in a hurry. While Sunshine lie still holding Carl's hand.

The doctor checked on Sunshine for a while and then he said "She's fine it's just that she skipped a couple of meals that's all." And then Aira and carl sighed in relief. Then Aira talked to the doctor and Carl and said "Um doctor,Carl I better get food for my sister."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2020 ⏰

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