They are mine....

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              You woke up from a long slumber. Your hair was messy and clothes ruffled. You walked over to the bathroom to get yourself ready for the day and change into decent clean clothes. As you worked with your hair brush to untangle the mess you call hair there was a knock on the door. "Who is it?" You turned to look over at the door. "It's Blue! I made breakfast and was wondering if you were hungry.... So I decided to come get you." His cheery voice squeaked from the other side of the door. "Alright I'll be right there" You called out and waited till you heard footsteps walking away from the room. You finished getting ready and headed downstairs where Blue was waiting at the table humming silently.

'Had he been waiting for me to finish getting ready before he started eating?' you thought silently to yourself and shook your head. If anything he was only being kind and considerate.

"(y/n)! you're here! I made you breakfast and decided to wait for you!" his cheekbones were a light blue color. You still couldn't wrap your head around the fact that a skeleton could even blush. "Thank you Blueberry, I really appreciate it!" you gave him a warm smile as you sat down, you love Blueberry he's the little brother you never got to have, innocent, playful, and straight up adorable.

You took a seat eager to eat, Blue said something "did you say something??" Blue shook his head and you shrugged not thinking too much of it. You began eating, stuffing your face with food. Blueberry stared at you blankly, his permanent smile stamped on his face.

Blueberry's POV

I stared at (Y/N) watching their every move, Their silky (h/c) hair, soft skin, shining beautiful (e/c) eyes, and their soft hands tangled around the fork they held in their hand. Every aspect of them was beautiful and graceful, I don't think I could ever let them go, not now not ever. Ever since I met (Y/N) I've perfected my cooking skills so that I would be able to cook for them every day, and get to see their expression every time they ate. " so precious." they look up at me, their beautiful eyes staring at me.

"Did you say something?" they asked me curiously. I simply shook my head and they nodded, continuing to eat. After they finished eating I took their plate and washed it for them while they helped clean the table. The other Sans's would always come around from time to time to say hi to (Y/N). I never really like them speaking to them but I couldn't exactly tell them to buzz off. As long as they didn't steal my precious we would be fine.

Papyrus and (Y/N) seem to get along really well. He knows how I feel towards them. But I can't help but feel like he feels the same towards them. I sighed, shaking my head slightly to get my mind away from my thoughts. I finished washing the dishes and (Y/N) had probably headed to their room. Maybe to write in their diary? I read their diary once. Their entries were so cute. They talked about things they would see, such as birds, cats, dogs, or whatever they saw during their day. They would also write their deepest secrets. I hoped no one else but me knew about them.

I began walking to my room to retrieve some of my gear, when I heard laughing coming from Papy's room. (Y/N) and Papyrus where in the same room together. I felt a sudden shock of anger flow through me. 'Why are they in his room? Why are they laughing? What are they doing? Is he trying to take them from me?' I clenched my fists. I was ready to just break into the room. Just as I was reaching for the door knob the door swung open and Papyrus walked out smiling. He looked down and saw me. I felt my expression quickly change. "Oh hey blue! Why are you standing out here? Did you need something?" Papyrus gave me his ordinary smile. A lit cigarette sticking out of his mouth. "Papy!! I told you not to smoke indoors! There is a human in this house!" I snached the cigarette out of his mouth and put it out with the dirt of a nearby potted plant. I looked at Papy once more this time he had his hands in his pockets. "Ah... Yes I'm sorry Sansy" I blushed at the nickname. I hated it. I was older than him yet he treated me like his little brother. "Don't call me that!!" I protested. He was really getting on my nerves. "Guys calm down!" I tensed up slightly at the sound of (Y/N)'s soft angelic voice. Papyrus turned his head to look at (Y/N), patting their head with his hand ruffling their (h/c) hair a bit.

"Yeah, yeah kiddo" Papyrus teased them then walked away and down the stairs. I couldn't help but feel angry. Why the hell did he touch them? Doesn't he know that they are mine? "Blue did you need something??" (Y/N) asked, their eyelashes fluttered, their voice still as angelic as ever. "O-oh I just wanted to check in on you two. And I wanted to know if you guys needed anything" This was definitely a lie, but in the end he couldn't exactly say 'oh I was just angry that you were in the room with my brother.'

They raised an eyebrow but then shrugged. Giving me a warm smile "no, we don't need anything. Thanks though" They patted my head. I felt my cheeks become warm. I was definitely blushing. "I SHOULD GO NOW! MUEHEHE!!" I rushed away from them and into my room. Why did I run away? I don't know. But I have to get ready for patrol.

(Y/N)'s POV

I watched as Blueberry dashed to his room. Blue was always really punctual so he was probably just in a hurry. But I do wonder... He seems to blush a lot. I shrugged and shook my head. It doesn't matter, I have to go pay a visit to Gaster sans. I look in the mirror. Gaster sans is a pretty attractive monster. A lot of others like him. Why wouldn't I like him as well? Though I have to admit... I like alot of the Sans. God I'm such a weirdo. Why can I just like...pick one?! (Y/N) shrugs closing her door. I should put in something else if I'm going to see Gaster sans.

Third person POV

(Y/N) picked out what they deemed to be their most casual but also nicest outfit. They wanted to be as presentable as possible. (Y/N) walked out of their room and down the stairs humming all the way. They waved goodbye to Papyrus and walked out of the house. It had been a while since they had seen Gaster Sans and frankly they were a bit nervous. After a while of walking (Y/N) finally reached the place they agreed to meet at. Thankfully (Y/N) wouldn't have to wait. Gaster Sans was already there waiting for them. They ran up to him with a bright smile on their face. Gaster Sans smiled and waved at them. "oh hey, looking cute hah" Gaster chuckled after saying that. (Y/N) blushed and looked away, moving their hair away from their eyes nervously. "Thank you! Not too bad yourself Gasty" (Y/N) looked back up at Gaster sans with a soft smile on their face. "So should we start walking?" Gaster Sans nodded and let (Y/N) hold onto his arm.

Blue's POV

I hummed as I walked to my post. Though a familiar voice caught my attention. Blue looked over to where the voice was coming from. It was (Y/N)'s Voice... But it wasn't alone Gaster Sans was also with them. I hid behind a tree and watched as (Y/N) and gaster sans walked by. Wait... Were they holding his arm?! Why were they holding that bastard's arm?! What the hell?! I grinded my teeth in pure anger. I then clenched my fists and walked away. 'I'll just deal with him later... Yes I'll deal with him'.

(Hi lovelies!

Author here, I haven't been posting much on here because I honestly forgot about this... Oops. but recently I have made a few changes in my personal life. I Came out as trans FTM about two years ago, and have been going by He/him pronouns, due to this I have been able to have a unique perspective on how it is to be trans. How does this have anything to do with the story? I hear you asking, well I decided to change this story to be more inclusive, meaning They/them pronouns and gender neutral descriptions. Thank you to those who have read my story thus far and I really hope you enjoy the rest of it! )

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