The bravest

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NYOOM NYOOM THOSE WHO BOTHER TO READ MY FICS! So this is Juan about my OC Brooklyn and Ryo, Ryo's been hit by a car for her,

And she survives with so much as a scratch. So nyoom.

She ran as fast as she possibly could, her heart racing against her chest. All that raced through her head was the image of her pain stricken boyfriend, laying there, writhing in pain and letting out groans of misery. She shook her head. Oh god it was horrifying...blood everywhere, his chest bassicly crushed. She arrived at the hospitals front doors, throwing them open. "I'm here...*pant* for Ryo Hagane...please..." She asked. "Miss Brooklyn Deeds?" The receptionist asked. Brooklyn nodded hurriedly. "Okay, ninth floor, room 763." The woman behind the desk said with a smile. Brooklyn was gone without a second thought. She pressed the elevator button repeatedly. "Pushing it a million times won't help." A voice said from behind her. She spun around on her heel. There sat Gingka, his hands over his mouth and his elbows resting on his knees. "He almost broke his spine. 2 of his ribs. His left arm." He said. "Have you seen him?" Brooklyn asked, stepping into the now open elevator. Gingka followed her. "yeah. He asked if your okay. I told him that you didn't exactly get hit by a car." He said. A blush rose to Brooklyn's chocolate colored face. Crushed two of his ribs, one arm and he's asking how I am? She thought. The doors opened and she resumed running, looking frantically for room 763. She stopped as stared at the room number in front of her. 763. She opened the door and looked inside gently. There he gently slept, an oxygen mask covering his handsome face. A lump formed in her throat, getting bigger by the second. She slowly approached him and took his bruised hand. She sat down by his bed, her head on his weak ribcage. When he let out a small, weak groan, she moved her head to his hip. She could hear his weak breathing, and a strained, pained "Brook...?" She darted her head up, her emerald eyes shined on her light, chocolate skin. "R-Ryo?" She asked, her voice cracking. "Thank god you...are safe...I swear...I had...a panic...attack..." He panted. It was obviously hard for him to talk. She put a hand on his chest. She kissed his forehead. Brooklyn's black hair fell over her ears and into ryo's face. A smile covered his face. "My sweet Brooklyn...." He whispered. He moved the oxygen mask off of his face and cupped the back of her head, his arm shaking. She leaned in gently, careful to keep giving him his space. "I told you I would die for you..." A smile appeared on his face. "Now that this has happened, I'm terrified of what else you'll do." Brooklyn said shakily. Ryo hushed her with a passionate kiss. Brooklyn's eyes were open, observing his honey golden eyes. "Ryo...?" She asked gently. "Yeah?" He asked her, pushing her hair behind her ear. "You aren't the brightest crayon in the box, but you are the bravest." She said, planting a gentle kiss on his cheek.

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