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Could I have found the one?
Heartbreak after heartbreak
Scar after scar
Left behind by those who lied
Who cheated
Who swore they'd never leave
Swore on their lives
And still failed to keep their promise.

Could I have found the one?
My heart beats for you
My love
My one and only
Yet you lie half a world away from my arms
Half a cruel world away.

Could I have found the one?
Your dark humour
Your talents
Your smile makes me cry from happiness
But they are only photos
My love
Glimpses of what could be
What will be.

Could I have found the one?
If only you could rescue me
And I could rescue you
From these lives we lead in vain
From the torment we endure
Every second apart from you is agony
But my suffering will end
One day
When I can hold you close
And call you mine.


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