11 - Darkness Awakened

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The tavern door creaked loudly as it swung shut behind me, but the noise was lost in the clamor of shouts and drunken song. Hood up, eyes cast to the ground, I chose a corner of the bar and raised two fingers for a drink. I never liked these places. Mixing grog with the folk they attracted was a recipe for trouble every time.

The barkeep slapped a mug on the counter, the drink sloshing up the side and onto the wood. He grunted when I thanked him and shuffled off to tend to his more rowdy customers. That didn't make my job easier. I needed information and didn't trust anyone but the bartender for it.

While I waited for him to come near again, I cast a sweeping glance around the pub. It had a low, creaky ceiling with wooden beams placed haphazardly to keep up the roof. A few of the beams looked old enough to snap with one solid pat. On one wall lay a roaring fireplace. It looked like a gaping mouth spilling embers on the stone floor, not to mention the feet of the drunken men giggling beside it.

Magic hummed against my chest, on edge for anyone who might be looking for me. Taking a deep breath, I lifted my hand off the hilt of my knife. I needed to stay calm and collected. This would be a short trip in and out.

The barkeep returned and laid a huge palm open on the counter. I dropped two silver coins into it and he made to turn back to his business.

"Four more for just a minute of your time," I said quietly.

He stopped and leaned on the counter in front of me, eagle eyes still fixed on the rest of the room.

"I'm looking for a shaman. Asking for a friend." I kept it short and sweet. These tavernkeeps didn't have many spare seconds.

Another four coins exchanged hands and he pointed. "East side. Trail up the mountain. Look for the pig."

"The pig?" I asked quizzically.

He was already walking away. "Can't miss it. And he'll need more than six," he added over his shoulder, jingling the coins in pocket.

I let out a breath and relaxed a bit. Easy enough I guess. As if disappointed, the magic began to slink away.

Not wanting to waste a minute, I left my untouched drink on the counter and crossed the noisy bar, a shadow weaving between drunkards and gamblers for the door.

"...big cloak and hood pulled up, ain't never saw his eyes. Animaré scum."

Lightning arced down my arm and my head snapped over to glare daggers at the man talking. It was slight, but the reflexive motion caught the drinker's eye. Not now...

"Go' a prob'em with my language do yeh? This one's brave in't he!"

"Just go on Marv, spare us a'the trouble!" Another drinker chimed in. "Be gettin' on lad!"

The Solace side roared against me as my feet made for the door, and it must have held rooted there a moment too long.

"Yeh go' a prob'em with it do yeh? Seems like yehs needin' taught some good manners in this 'ere bar!"

I should've just jumped away and left, but my legs wouldn't move fast enough. My soul tugged weakly on the Solace side's say, and I just couldn't get it moving.

The drinker's hand closed around my wrist and I reacted without a thought. Before he knew it his hand was pinned to the table, Lylisia's knife buried in the wood between his fingers. The force of the knife almost split the table, and half the bar went silent.

My vision was almost starting to tunnel, but rationality managed to break through. Get out!

I gave Marv a hard look and made to leave, but he didn't seem fazed by the knife.

Solace Curse: Part IWhere stories live. Discover now