My New Home

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I drove in my old truck a few yards behind my moms car on a long straight road. I looked ahead at my moms car. Through the back window I could see some boxes. My dogs head was out the window with his tongue out. I quickly looked behind me to see the moving truck and some boxes in the trunk of my truck. I was getting quite impatient and I wiggled around in my seat to adjust myself and get more comfortable not knowing how long there was until we got to the house. Minutes passed and I passed a sign, 'Welcome To Riverdale The Town With PEP' I read out loud as I passed I shrugged. Then we made it to the neighborhood. I was in awe as we passed the houses. My old house was one story and had the minimum if things you need in a house. I'm surprised we could even sell it it was so small. But thankfully an old married couple bought it.
          We passed a house that all white with a red door and cute lanterns on each side My mom pulled up to a house five houses down from the one with the red door. I parked on the side of the road then got out. "Why don't you go in, pick a room, then come back out and talk a walk with Max around town." My mom told me. I nodded then went inside. I guessed the rooms are upstairs so i walked up and looked at all the room I found the second biggest room and decided the have that one. I walked back out to my truck. I opened a box that has the words 'dog stuff' in my sloppy hand writing and pulled out a dark blue collar that had a bone shaped tag that said max on it. I also grabbed the matching leash. I closed the box then opened the passenger door of my truck, grabbed my camera and put it over my shoulder like a bag. I opened the door to my moms car and max jumped out. He is a good dog and he doesn't run away. My mom took of his collar so he was more comfortable. I put the collar on the clipped the leash to it them walked alone the sidewalk.
After a little while I walked up to a diner. Pops Chock'lit Shoppe. It didn't look like animals are aloud so i decided to come back later but i did take a cool picture. I was really hungry so I jogged to the house, dropped off max then walked back to the diner.
I opened the door and a little bell rang. I looked around but someone caught my eye. I saw a guy around my age looking at me. He had a laptop and a cup of coffee beside him. He was wearing a crow beanie and some of his dark brown hair peaking out once we made eye contact we both looked away immediately.
I walked up to the counter and asked for a menu. A man with a name tag that said pop on it handed me one. After i looked it over i ordered two burgers, two milkshakes one strawberry and one chocolate, onion rings, and some fries. Pop told me to wait a minute so i sat in a booth and did as i was told. A couple minutes later my name was called. I walked up and took my order. I looked at the mysteries guy before i left.

I hope you liked it. Please tell me if you want more or if you don't. Also if you have any story ideas i would love to hear them. Thank you for reading.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2019 ⏰

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