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The boy just disappeared. I thought that he had run straight into the wall, but he just basically melted into the wall. The shadows rippled and seemed to invite him in. However, when he left, the shadows seemed completely normal. I was very confused. How does someone just disappear like that? 

I watched him think. He was supposed to be on first watch, but instead came back in after 10 minutes and told me to take first watch. He just said, "I have to think." So, here I am, out in the cold, watching him think while keeping an eye out for any source of danger. 

As I thought more about this boy, and who it might have been, I felt something basically burning into my skin. Ugh. I turned around. 

"For the last time, could you stop trying to burn a hole into the back of my head just by staring at it?!" 

"Well, sor-ry, but you're the one who decided to bail on watch." 

"Oh, you know what?"

"What?" She retorted.

"Sei impossibile! Tu sei anche peggio di Nico!" Whoa. Where did that come from?

"Uh, when did you learn another language? Your blog?"

"What? No. It just came to me." I don't even know who this 'Nico' is...

"Hmm...Maybe it's a new ability you have. Knowing random languages."

"Okay, this is not funny!"

"Oh, you want to know what's funny?"

"Ha, you think you--"

"Um, guys? We're kind of trying to sleep here. Could you quiet down a bit?" At the other girl's voice, we hushed our voices immediately. It's just like charmspeak...Wait, where did that come from? What in the name of Hades--Okay, this is seriously very confusing right now. Maybe I should just sleep on it. So, all is left is...uh...

"Uh...G'Night, Max."

"...Oh, uh...G'Night, Fang."

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