(Chapter 1): "Not Another Door, I'm Begging You!!"

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"So, how's your La Foret story going?" Not hearing a response, I figured that it wasn't going well.

I was walking in the Southern Forest with Ammosia, my good friend. Golden leaves decorating the ground and trees.

"So, like I had said this was perhaps one of the best fanfic's I had ever made," I continued, though I think that she wasn't listening, "my fanfic got 30 upvotes! Though, I did have a collab with Jazzy, but I haven't gotten to writing my part yet."

What I should've noticed was that Ammosia had put her headphones in.

Though what I did notice was the log that Ammosia was walking into.


I jumped back a bit when Ammosia cussed loudly.

"Ammosia, are you okay?" Not hearing a response I crouched in front of her, well, to the side of her.

"Are you hurt? You good man?" I continued.

Ammosia removed her headphones halfway through my sentence, predictable.

I figured I'd just say it again when Ammosia beat me to it.

"Sorry, what you say?" She questioned.

I pouted for a bit and rolled my eyes drastically.

"I asked, are you hurt?" Dang Ammosia, listen for once.

"Oh, nah I'm good," Ammosia responded. For once.

Though when we resumed walking, she had a slight limp. Though I decided to not say anything.

"Anyways.... Think we'll find anything in the forest," my friend asked, limping less. Though I did kind of bring her out here, with a bit of convincing, "and what are we doing anyways?"

Yeah, she couldn't have been listening to me, 'cause I explained to her. Well, I'll explain it once again to Ammosia, who never listened.

"Well, I heard that there was something in the woods!"

Ammosia seemed unreflective of this news, not acting and not really caring. Though my friend seemed, confused. Of course she was also a bit tired from all our walking, I hope.

"So you dragged me out here, in the middle of this forsaken forest. Because you heard some nice little fairytale about it," Ammosia explained, slight sarcasm dripping from her words, though she has a bunch of joke in her tone,

"the h*ll was it even about, something evil, something nice?"

Honestly, I had no idea, so I just shrugged and walked on.,

I looked back and saw Ammosia facepalming, I chuckled and walked on with her.

While I was walking I looked back and saw that Ammosia had stopped, I was about to ask her why, when she started to walk into the bushes. Okay, now I was a bit more confused than before.

"Yo, where are you going?" I asked as Ammosia was fully covered by the bushes.

"Don't know, I heard a strange sound, kind of like a metal door. I'm checking it out." Ammosia was muffled by the bushes, and the rustling of the bushes continued.

"Well while you're doing your shenanigans I guess I'll just draw..."

I sat down on a nearby rock and started drawing My Hero Academia.


I was nearly finished with the rough draft when I heard "Leilani, yo Leilani," I perked up and listened for the rest,

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2019 ⏰

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