The odd beginning

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Alexander:ok now that was a good night out

Desvan:yea your brother did 10 back flips just for a free ale

Jhorn:hey it was plurberry

Serna:well that is 10 ninroes

Nersan:that's not the weirdest thing I have seen once I saw a guy that brang his daughter and he already had like 5 ales and he asked for another one so I gave him a goose and he tried to drink it

Desvan:hey I have heard that bards tale from jhorn


Alexander:we should probaby get jhorn home because he had like 10 ales and 5 bottles of whiskey

Then a ball of light apeared and started to get larger

Serna:umm whats that

Nersan:umm I think it's because most of us are drunk

Then the ball formed into a person



lunarsein:mortals and vampiren I need you to do something

Serna:what is it???

Lunarsein:an ancient cult has been re-born and they are going to destroy the universe and I need you to defeat them I only have a few minutes before I cease to exist up to the event

Alexander:oh no

Lunarsein:I must give you this and meet at twili forest tommarow and you will meet some more people that will help you now I ...... must .................go-

Then he decintigrated into nothingness

Jhorn:umm ok I was sober during all of that and I am speechless

Serna:and he gave us a wagon

Nersan:eh might as well use it

Then they hopped on it and for some reason it moved on its own and it took them to their houses

The next day

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2019 ⏰

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