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  The sound of Chris Brown filled my ears. Relaxing my mind as I prepared myself for the 13 hour flight. I had never been on a plane before. Was I scared? Hell yeah, but I wanted to be wanted so badly that I'd do anything to get to my new family. Get it?

I walked up to the booth, where a white lady stood with a wide smile plastered on her face.

"Goodmorning, young lady. Ticket please."

I didn't say anything I just gave her my ticket. As she looked over my ticket I scanned around the waiting area, which was very quiet and empty. Turning my attention back to the woman, she smiled and handed me back my ticket.

"Have a nice flight."

I nodded. Stepping through the small door of the plane, I scanned my ticket looking for my seat number, 36. Coming across the number I tucked my bag in the holder above the seat. I sat quietly scrolling on my phone, switching it to airplane mode. Flight attendants came around telling us to buckle our seatbelts because the plane was taking off.

I put my headphones back in, falling into a much needed sleep.


I quickly made my way over to baggage claim, collecting my one PINK bag. I looked around the crowded room for my name. Finally spotting it I walked quickly over to the stranger holding up a sign with my name. She was beautiful. She had dark brown skin, shoulder length hair, with thick thighs and hips. She smiled widely, smothering me in a tight hug.

"I'm so happy to finally meet you. Such a beautiful young lady." she cooed.

Stepping away from the awkward position we were in, she was holding on to me tightly, while my arms dangled freely on my side. "Thanks, nice to meet you." I half smiled.

We walked out to a matte black Chrysler 300. I tossed my bags in the back seat, sliding my small body in the front seat. The ride was quiet because I had my head phones in.

We pulled into the smooth driveway of a cream colored two-story house. I was in awe as we stepped into the foyer of the house.

"Make yourself at home, pick a room that you'd like. I'll be at work, there's food in the fridge and important numbers on the fridge." she said walking back outside,

The strange thing about it was that, I'm in the house with a woman whose name I didn't yet know. I didn't protest, I just walked around the large house checking all the rooms.

Going into the last room upstairs, I opened the door and fell in love. The bright yellow curtain draped the balcony door, cushioned yellow carpet all over the floor, cream colored walls, queen sized bed with a colorful flower print comforter. Dropping my bags in the room, I closed the door still gawking at the room. There was a walk in closet and a bathroom.

I jumped on the bed and grabbed the remote. I didn't see a t.v. which was quite weird. I pressed the button anyways, and a large t.v. slid from behind the dresser. I squealed In excitement as I made myself comfortable while watching t.v.

"I can get used to this" I said to no one in particular.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2014 ⏰

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