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Faculty student, stranger and forgotten by everyone, stringing humiliation after humiliation, full of fears and sensibility, everything was too beautiful for him. He perfectly knew that everyone was ignoring him, and always stayed sidehead. Because of his lack of confidence and of his shyness, he didn't really have friends.

Desperate, after several suicidal attempts, he finally took refuge in reading. He filled notebooks with his darkest thoughts. But he wanted more. A day of extreme sadness, he had written a letter, in which he told all of the suffering he was going through on a daily basis. Having no one to send it to, he put it on the steps of a house randomly. Yes, Harry Styles was corresponding with a perfect stranger, but who at least was worried enough to answer him.

Faculty student, known and loved by everyone, stringing conquest after conquest, full of money and of talent, nothing was too beautiful for him. He perfectly knew that everyone envied him, and used his charm as soon as the occasion came to him. This didn't stop him to be surrounded by friends that he's know for a long time and in which he completely relied on.

He just needed one letter. One letter for him to question his life. One letter which arrived to his house accidentally. One letter that upset him. One letter which made him sink. He became dependant of this correspondence ; so much that it became essential. The only view of the answering letter of this individual was synonym of a good day for him. Yes, Louis Tomlinson knew nothing of this correspondent, this individual who filled his days, but he liked this part of mystery.

Btw guys, this fic is not from me, I'm translating it from a french person. Read it please !!

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