Cogs In The Machine

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 It is the right, no, the duty of each citizen to be highly vigilant; to be ever on guard, for the safety of our glorious society. To be concerned with the lives of neighbors, friends; family. It is the duty, given to each, to be as a whole, to be one mind and one machine, operating perfectly for the greater good, and the continued existence of our way of life.

Those who's free thoughts and words threaten the very system, which has you given you peace and safety, and has ensured these ends, must be sought out, they must be purged for the sake of our blessed union, and the future of our children, or all we have worked hard to create, will be for nothing.

It has quietly infiltrated our homes, our schools; the foundation on which our daily lives has been built, is in jeopardy. Order is at risk, chaos is at your doors; the reign of free will is the enemy of the people, and I call upon you, as perfect citizens, to perform your duty, and help eradicate this threat.

To be on watch of those who exhibit strange behavior; who don't work efficiently within the machine, those who seek to express individualism, against the will of the one, is more than duty, or right, it is more than a call to action; it is law.

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