The Backup Singer

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Ziggy Stardust has hired me as his backup singer, so I join the Spiders from Mars, on stage, I stand next to Ziggy.

"Say hello to Destiny, she's my newest member of the band, she's my backup singer!"

The fans say hi to me, waving to me, the guys look at me in a creepy way, their eyes have an "I want you" vibe to them!

"Z-Ziggy? I'm getting kinda scared..."

"What's wrong, Destiny, can you tell me what's wrong, my little Spider from Mars?"

"The male fans are giving me "I want you" eyes, it's scaring me, Zig."

Ziggy holds me in his arms to try to calm me, the rest of the band is death glaring the audience, shaming them for scaring me!

"It's okay....They won't get you, I'm gonna show them you're mine by leaving a bite on your neck!"

Ziggy growls savagely, biting my neck hard, leaving teethmarks on it!

"Do you foolish sex hounds in the audience see the bite mark on her neck? My teeth made it, so Destiny belongs to me, got it? No more giving her "I want you" eyes, got it you creeps?! If you people don't stop being creepy, I'll have security throw you out and see to it that we never come here for a concert again!"

The audience is bummed out by the bite Ziggy left on my neck, but I'm relieved that it deterred them!

"Thanks, Zig, I owe you for that, in fact, I'd like to kiss you in front of them if you don't mind..."

I stand on my toes and kiss Ziggy's lips, the audience is shocked to see Ziggy return the kiss!

"Aren't you my rock n' rollin sweetheart? I love you, your love rocks my heart, so it's now I ask you:Will you be more than my backup singer? Will you be my girlfriend?"

The audience cheers for me to tell him yes!

"Yes, Ziggy Stardust, I'll be more than your backup singer, it'll be my honor to be your girlfriend! Can you feel the love tonight? The starts shine on us, the Heavens smile on us and our fans adore us getting together!"

I jump into Ziggy's arms, he quickly catches me, rocking me in his arms, calling me his "Rock n' rollin' sweetheart!"

The fans cheer for us, saying things like "We ship Ziggy and Destiny" "The couple from Space" and the "Most rock n' rollin' couple of all!"

"Destiny, listen to these fans, they ship us as a couple, mark my words, fans will be sending us fanart of us dating, getting married and possibly you and me with a family, like you and I expecting a child. Can you imagine all the fanfics that will pop into their heads too?"

After the concert ends, Ziggy and I return to our hotel room, after hanging the "Do not Disturb" sign on the outer door handle, he closes and locks the door and proceeds to kiss me!

Sex, Drugs, Rock N Rollحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن