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It's been a long time since Han Jisung had last heard something in the empty classroom that wasn't him or his best friends working on their next original song. The old chemistry class hadn't been used for years, because of how small the school population was. So when Jisung, Chan and Changbin had decided to start releasing some of their original work, it had become a creative sanctuary and a place to escape to. It was 3racha's room, the place no one could affect them in, their strength. 

But that day, Jisung heard a familiar beat and the sound of footsteps, like someone was dancing their heart out, freeing their soul from the world's shackles, and Jisung didn't know how to pull away. 

So he opened the door, slowly enough to not draw attention to himself, and was met with the view of a boy so lost in the music that the world didn't matter anymore. It was enchanting how the boy could tell a story through his body, and move in a way that made it impossible to look away. 

(It didn't help that from what Jisung saw of his face, he was beautiful. Come on, how can anyone resist freckles?) 

In fear of the boy seeing him, Jisung turned around to go somewhere else, only to face the friends he was supposed to meet. In a mix of confusion and slight annoyance, he asked, "Where were you guys?" 

"I was helping Ms. Kim and it took a little longer than I expected," Chan replied. He was always the generous type, so it's easy to find him helping someone at any given moment. Changbin went to the bathroom, so that's why he was late. 

"Thanks for waiting for us, but why didn't you go in?" Changbin asked, knowing that Jisung was usually inside, getting started on his work, his expressive rapping threatening to escape the room and make itself known to the world. 

Jisung gestured towards the door, where the boy was almost done his next song, (sadly? thankfully?) not 3racha's song anymore. He hoped that his group mates would get the hint and relocate. Instead, Chan had a look in his eyes, and Jisung knew that he would have so much to deal with that day. 

"Isn't that Felix? He's the new transfer from Australia, I talked to him earlier today." Chan remarked. "Did you want to talk to him?" 

Changbin snickered. "Or was it that you were nervous to talk to him? We know you're in deep when even the social butterfly shies away from talking to new people." 

Jisung, slightly mortified, tried to rebut both points, but Chan already opened the door and entered the class, gesturing for the two younger members to follow suit. So Jisung ended up in the room too. 

When he walked in, it felt like the room lit up even more, like someone brought a new light into it. The boy—no, Felix— was already in conversation with Chan, and damn, his voice did not fit his face and overall look at all. He looked like the sun but his voice was lower than the center of the earth. 

"Do you need me to leave? I was just about to pack up," Felix asked. "I'll be quick." 

Before Jisung could say anything, Changbin spoke up. "No, you can do your thing. It'd actually be nice to get another opinion on our stuff." 

So that's how Felix ended up being the first one to listen to 3racha's newest mixtape. He liked it a lot (Jisung was almost holding his breath) and asked them if he could get any rap pointers and advice. 3racha easily agreed, and Chan told Felix to go to Jisung as a mentor. Chan could easily read the atmosphere, and Jisung was pretty sure the leader knew why Jisung was feeling too shy to enter the room at the beginning. 

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