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Jays POV

Ugh... Ive been planning this for so long! I thought to myself as I slammed my head on the table, partly out of frustration, but also just plain boredom. I know it sounds silly but I feel bad about the way I proposed to nya, she always talked about having a special proposal, and what did I do? I proposed right before we were about to fight evil smoke an evil demon creatures, and in front of all our friends!! Ugh I feel so stupid; but dont worry jay! This is gonna be special, I whispered to myself, as I slumped back on my chair...

Nyas POV

Oh god, how is he gonna react? What if he doesnt want to have kids? Or if he wants to get an abortion or adopt or... I shakily breath out to try and calm myself, I didnt help much. I took out the box from under I really bed, opened it and just stared at the object inside. How could one line mean so much? $1.00 for an object that would be there for years... Its Wierd to think about, but I try not to, otherwise ill probably start to spiral, again...


Hey guys sorry this chapter is so short, I just wanted to start it off I guess.. But dont worry the next one will be longer!!

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