The Zombie Who Always Finished His Food

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Angus was a burly man with a large appetite and he was the first man exposed to the zombie contagion.

As a man Angus would always eat all of his dinner and as a zombie he did no different.

He waited in the darkest alley for the first man, woman or child to passerby.

One day Angus was gargling down the last of his victims brains and a little girl come down his alley. 

She called out for her daddy and Angus wondered if he had room for one more.

Angus grabbed her by her hand and nibbled on her fingers. He had eaten his way up to the little girls elbow when he realized he was full.

The little girl cried in agony until she became a zombie too.

Lilly was a tiny little girl with a small appetite and she was the first girl exposed to the zombie contagion.

As a girl Lilly would hardly ever touch her dinner and as a zombie she did no different.

She left the alley and took a single bite out of an unsuspecting leg.

Lilly was full and let the owner of the leg writhe in pain until he became a zombie as well.

Angus was horrified and couldn't summon the willpower to finish off Lilly's scraps.

Lilly was a rather nimble zombie compared to Angus and he could not catch her.

She proceeded to take snack sized bites out of multiple victims and then there were zombies everywhere.

Angus heaved and belched his way through belly fulls of brains and guts but he could not keep up.

The humans were furious, they paraded the streets with machetes and chainsaws.

Angus did not want the humans to get mad, he hated the taste of other zombies but he swallowed his own tongue (literally) and got down to business.

He cracked open zombie heads like cans of beans and ate all of the soggy mush inside.

It tasted terrible so Angus caught up to Lilly and ate her whole head in one clean bite.

Angus was relieved and quietly rejoiced.

"From now on I will always finish my food."

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