chapter 1

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my passin rose unbidden.The bear's roar filled my ear.It hot breath assaulted my nos-trils,fueling my bloodust.behind me i could hear the boy's ragged gasp.The desperate sound made my nails dig into the earth. I snarled what the hell am i doing. I risked a glance at the day and my pluse raced. his right hand pressed against the boy thigh.blood surged steaked by blak point ,slashes in his shirts barely covered the red laccrations that marred his chest. A growl rose thorat. I crouched low,muscles tensed, ready to strike.The grizzy rose onto its hind legs.I held my ground. Trayvon! bryn"s cry sounded in my mind. The little brown wolf darted from the forest and tore into the bear's unguarded flank. The gizzly turend, landing on all fours.spit flew from its mouth as it searched for the unseen attacker.But bryn, ligthing fast ,dodged the bears lunge with each swipe of the gizzly's turnk-think arm,she avoided its reach, always moving a split second faster than the bear.She seized her adtange,inflicting another taunting bite when the bear's back .was turend,I lept foward and ripped a chunk from its heel.The bear swng around to face me, its eye rolling. filled with pain bryn and I slunk around the ground circling the huge animal. the bear blood made mouth hot and my body tense. We contiued every tightening dance. the dear eyes tracked us, i could smelll its doubt ,its rising fear .i let out a shot hash bark and flashed my fangs the grizzly snorted as it turned away and lumberd into the forest .i raise my muzzle and howled triumph. a moan brought me back to earth the hikers blood steamed over his skin onto the ground . my head dropped low and tested the air the hikers blood steamed over my chest . the sharp coppery odor creating and intxociating fog in my consience . i foguht the temptatio0n to taste it . trayvon? bryns alarm pulled my gaze from the fallen hiker, get out of here ! i bared my teeth at the smaller wolf . she dropped low and bleed along the ground toward me.the she raised her muzzle and licked the underside of my jaw. what are you going to do ? her blue eyes starred at me she look terrified . i wondered if she thought id kill the boy for my own pleasure. guilt and shame trickled throught my veins. bryn, you cant be here. go now she wined but slunk away , slipping beneath the cover of pine trees. i stalked toward the ears flicked back and fourth . he struggled for breath, pain and terror filling his face deep gashes remained were the grizzly's claw had torn at his thigh and chest . blood still flowed from the wounds, i knew it wounds i knew it wouldnt stop. i growled frustrated by the fragility of him human body. he was the boy my age , 17 maybe 18 . brown hair, with a slight shimmer of gold fell in a mess around his face sweat had cake stains of it on his forehead and cheeks. he was learn strong, someone who could find his way yaround a moutain , us she clearly had this part of the territory was only accseible through a steep, unwelcoming trail . the sent off fearcoverd him taunting my predatory in stincts but

benath it lays something else. the smaell of spring of nascent leaves. a sent fill with hope and possibilty. i cant watch him die, i shifted from before i realized i'd made the decision. i rasied the soft flesh of my inerforearm to my mouth.willing my canines to shapen, i bit down hard and waited until my own blood touched my tongue. then i extended my arm toward him. 'drink it's that only thing can save you .'' my voice was low but frim he shook his head.''you have to . i growled, showing him caniners still razor sharp from opening the wound in my arm i hope that memory of my woif from should terrior into submission. grasping him close only made blood run hotter. i want to run him out of his skin the healing wounds and learn the contours of his mucles. i bit my lip from his grap. a whimper of disappointment emerged from the boy's throat. i wasn't touching him. find your strength, use the wolf that you arei hurled his pack onto the passenger seat and slammed the door the truned my face away, but i could seen her watching me silenty with out judgmet. i had no answers for bryn.or myslef

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