1- I'll Take the Bottom Bunk

15 1 11

Tony's POV

I sat in the back of the limo, resting my head of the window. It was warm, heated by the blazing sun. Trees appeared as green blobs as we sped past them. The road was bumpy and the pavement was cracking in places. We were basically in the middle of nowhere. I glanced up at my driver. After dealing with hours of my complaining for many years, he could easily tune out my complaints. I had my airpods in anyways.

In the distance, I could see a brightly colored sign in the near distance. We must be approaching the camp. Of course, I didn't want to go to the stupid summer camp, but my dad made me. I apparently need to socialize more with kids my age. I'd rather be at home, working on my next big project.

Camp Legend, 1 mile. I read the sign as we passed it. What a dumb name. They weren't even a bit creative. The camp was meant to cater to those with super powers. I, however, was let in on brain power alone.

My driver slowed the vehicle and turned right onto another back road. This one was darker with more tree cover and unpaved. I adjusted my airpods and sat up straighter. Through the trees, I could see buildings. We were nearing the camp.

I glanced at the clock. 12:15 PM. I was fifteen minutes late. Campers were supposed to arrive at 12. I honestly couldn't care less.

"Better late than never," my driver turned to face me and unlocked the doors.

I begged to differ. Never would have been my preferred option. "Sure, whatever."

"See you in six weeks, sir"

I slung my backpack over my shoulder as I slid out of the limo. I only brought two suitcases with me. Only one is filled with clothes. The other has the latest model of my suit. I obviously tried to bring more, but mom wouldn't let me. Apparently, I'll have enough to do at camp.

I walked over to the table stationed in front of the camp. I took note of a few of the other teens and some of the camp activities as I walked. A blond kid was standing in the archery range with a bow and a redhead girl at his side. A tall, muscly boy was standing near the lake, a slightly shorter, lankier kid stood next to him.

A man with hazel skin and an eyepatch sat at the table He had organized stacks of paper and a clipboard laid out in front of him. An orange cat was laying on the table's edge, purring softly. It looked strangely like a goose. He glanced up at me when I reached the table.

"Name?" He spoke with a deep, commanding voice. I was surprised to find he had a prepubescent squeaky voice.

"Stark, Tony," I replied, still glancing around the camp.

"You're in cabin three," The man replied after running his finger down the surprisingly short list of names. "I'm head counselor Fury. Dinner and orientation are at five. Here's your shirt. " He handed me a dark red shirt and gestured to the cabins behind him.

"Thanks," I tucked the shirt under my arm and began walking over to cabin three.

The wood of the cabin was freshly painted a kinda shit brown. The doors were also wooden and trimmed with green. There were no windows on the front of the cabin. The cabins must have been newly built. That made sense, considering this was the camp's first year.

I turned the knob and pushed opened the door. The room was large and well lit. There was a bunk bed at the back. Great. I hate bunk beds. I fall off them every time. The walls were mostly bare. A rug with an intricate design covered most of the floor. There was a desk at either side of the room.

One desk was already occupied by someone. I guess my bunkmate beat me here. He turned around as I entered the room, shutting the door behind me. His smiled at me as I approached him. Despite the fact that he looked like a nice person and gave off a calm vibe, something made me want to punch him in his perfect teeth. He had a sketchbook on the desk in front of him and twirled a pencil in his hand.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2019 ⏰

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